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Feb 4, 20242 min read
"Sunday at the Farmer's Market" & "RSVP" by Amy Marques
Sunday at the Farmer’s Market Once upon a long time ago, Helena wore low heels, but now even orthopedic sneakers don’t keep her feet from...

Jan 28, 20243 min read
"Hiding" by Lauren Dennis
I was the only one who noticed Jenny’s poorly concealed black eye as she bent down to hide another Easter egg. She used to be a beauty...

Jan 28, 20243 min read
"Part Delicacy, Part Despair" by Leslie Cairns
I’m Aware that when I do all the dog walks at night, I should carry my car keys. That my job is laced with sloppy kisses, but just under...

Jan 21, 20244 min read
"Listen, Ruthie" by L Mari Harris
I’m at my first court-mandated anger management meeting when a woman with frosted pink lipstick bleeding into her smoker’s lines leans in...

Jan 21, 20243 min read
"Electric Chair Suplex" by J.B. Kalf
I sat in the hospital waiting room in my full regalia — blue sequins chafing my thighs while the cut tee I was wearing made me a bit too...

Jan 7, 20242 min read
"Mimesis" by Luanne Castle
after Remedios Varo’s painting Mimesis I have become the focus of my tabby cat, Mimesis. She will ignore flies and mice, but rather than...

Jan 7, 20242 min read
"Vacuum" by B F Jones
Content Warning: Suicide/Death 13th of October 1989 was the day mum vacuumed the Lego. I remember the date, because it was the day after...

Jan 7, 20244 min read
"Seven Nation Army" by nat raum
On a mild night in late August, my mother dropped us off outside of the stadium, handed me twenty dollars, and went on her way. I looked...

Jan 7, 20243 min read
"Monster in the Stairwell at Work" & "The Mothman's Bride" by Cecilia Kennedy
Monster in the Stairwell at Work The elevator at work won’t reach the top floor, so I take it as far as it’ll go and find the stairs, and...

Jan 7, 20242 min read
"Empty Words" by Delphine Gauthier-Georgakopoulos
CW: mention of miscarriage It’s the tilt of her head that catches your attention first. Such an attitude! You envy her for a fleeting...

Jan 4, 20243 min read
"Selling" by George Oliver
We sell popcorn. It’s our job, even if it’s not a sufficient economic provider. We abide by rules and maintain standards and report to an...

Jan 4, 20242 min read
"Withering Plants" by CLS Sandoval
My nana used to have a patio at her apartment that was full of lush, green potted plants. I remember her taking such pride in opening...

Jan 1, 20243 min read
"Steady Eddie Murray" by Jon Doughboy
It’s September and I’m ten years old and eating a Sabrett hot dog at Shea as the Mets lose to the Expos. The 1992 Mets may have gone down...

Jan 1, 20244 min read
"The Thing About Girls" by Catherine Roberts
We’re in your garden eating dried apricots when you tell me you’re moving to France. I straighten my spine, swallow the waxy fruit. “I...

Dec 12, 20232 min read
"The happiest Junior Support Desk Associate ever" by Karen Walker
After a year at Alliance Northeast, I'd buy a car. Become like everyone else at AN who takes the subway though they could drive to work....

Nov 26, 20232 min read
"October November" by Anna Fernandes
She’s out here again, head bowed, trying to scrape up our dead skin cells. Or maybe not skin, but hair or coughed-up fragments of lung....

Nov 26, 20232 min read
"Dead Sea Scrolls" by Geoffrey Bunting
1. When Madee and I split, all I thought about was the language we lost. Words that I was no longer allowed to speak because they were...

Nov 26, 20233 min read
"Consequences" by Lucy Brighton
“They’re here again. Alfred! Can you bloody believe it?” I twitch open the curtains, “The girl is licking the walls, does nobody teach...

Nov 12, 20232 min read
"What will happen to memories when The Cloud bursts" by Tom Walsh
The photos sparkle as they fall, the birthday candles and wedding cakes and fireworks and nightclubs and rainbows. I scoop a baby shower...

Nov 12, 20234 min read
"The Suffocation of the Mother" by Jennifer Ostopovich
It began with a subtle tightening in my throat. The middle-aged man in the grocery store queue placed his hand on my midsection with...
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