"In a Land Far Far Away" by Andrea Damic
"A Former Apex Predator" by Chris Gilman Whitney
"Soft Serve" by Rico Cleffi
"The Lap Dancer" by Elsie Bauchalter
"Over There" by DS Levy
"Way of the Deep" by Alyssa Jordan
"Girl by Girl" by Kati Bumbera
"What If I Knew?" by Margo Griffin
"Vertical Video" by Mathew Gostelow
"Prodigal Daughter" by Sally Simon
"The Arcane and the Absurd" by Cassie Mayer
"The Knife Thrower's Assistant" by Joyce Bingham
"Tilly Troublefield is Up to No Good" by Katy Goforth
"Casting Spells on the A47" by Rachel Canwell
"Revenge, Served Hot & Pink" by Charlotte Hamrick
"A thorn in her side" by Emily Macdonald
"Shambles" by Keith J. Powell
"Is it Cold Where You Are?" by Francine Witte
"Shamanic" by Karen Arnold
"What Death Knows of Love" by Lisa Lerma Weber