"Countdown" by Emily Macdonald
"The Girl on the Pickle Jar " by Amy Barnes
"When My Thoughts Become Cheshire Cats in Night Time Trees - Whispers and Teeth" by Jenny Wong
"My Reviews" by Kate Deimling
"A Miniature Castle Surrounds My Brain" & "Subject Line Mercy" by Paul Rousseau
"The South Dakota Kid" by Burke De Boer
"Flying Solo" by Mary Anne Mc Enery
"Working from Home" by Nathan Pettigrew
“Wakefield” by Grove Koger
" 'Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome' by The Mountain Goats" by C. M. Green
“Memory Lanes” by James Callan
“Questions on the Reading” by Kate Deimling
“Small Town Life in the News" by Nolcha Fox
"Cancer" by Robert Allen
"In Walks a Van Gogh Salesman" by Francine Witte
"Suburban Horticulture" by Nina Miller
"No one cares at the fairground" by Marie-Louise McGuinness
"Measuring the Density of Air" by Denise Bayes
“Baptized” by Dan Crawley
"Fries" by C.E. Hoffman