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May 13, 20234 min read
"A Menu For Tomorrow" by Shome Dasgupta
Appetizers I remember your fingertips—your fingertips. I remember your fingertips during our first dinner, and how I was nervous, but...

May 13, 20233 min read
"Nothing to Lose" by Aimee Truchan
Don’t turn around. Throw your wallet behind you,” the raspy voice says. My breath escapes into the early morning air in the form of a...

May 13, 20233 min read
"All the departing souls" by Sandra Arnold
A flash of fantail wing, a clack of beak on glass. Elena watches the bird zip between the windows of her study and the kitchen. She...

May 13, 20231 min read
"If You Go Into the Woods Today" by Donna Vorreyer
The forest preserve rumbles with the deep-throated song of frogs, holed-up in fallen trees or testing the frigid indigo of the lake. The...

Apr 30, 20233 min read
"Flames" by Esther Byrne
From the diary of Cassandra Austen, sister of Jane Austen I have a choice, one which I fear may attract some consternation and regret....

Apr 30, 20232 min read
"Matinee" by Pedro Ponce
She liked doing it to music. It relaxed her, she said, helped her focus. “On what?” I asked. “The situation,” she said. The niche between...

Apr 30, 20234 min read
"The Ninth Life of Hel" by M. Rose Seaboldt
Hel is perched in the large bay window of Hemlock Tattoo Removal. Her serpentine tail curls around her, flicking in time with the sound...

Apr 30, 20234 min read
"Used Couches" by Joey Hedger
You find condom wrappers in the couch while we wait for the power to come back on. It is an old couch, covered in torn, brown faux...

Apr 16, 20232 min read
"Lisle Donker (back row, second from the right) with daughters Anne, Freda..." by Karen Walker
Lisle Donker (back row, second from the right) with daughters Anne, Freda, Dagmar, Maud, and grandchildren circa 1901 Long dresses still...

Apr 16, 20234 min read
"Third World Unbendable Man" by Jane Camoleze
My previous expectations regarding the hereafter were closer to worms than to bareass comrades. Amazingly enough, Death was not it, and...

Apr 16, 20236 min read
"In a Land Far Far Away" by Andrea Damic
A sudden tap on the shoulder made her twitch. She looked up at the scruffy bearded man as she yanked a little oval pill out of his hand...

Apr 2, 20232 min read
"A Former Apex Predator" by Chris Gilman Whitney
“Where does the moon go during the day?” The child stands with his hands in his pockets, his head craned towards the sky. A wide expanse...

Apr 2, 20236 min read
"Soft Serve" by Rico Cleffi
Note from author: Soft Serve is a little piece voiced by two narrators, one a young girl full of enthusiasm and just making her way into...

Mar 19, 20233 min read
"The Lap Dancer" by Elsie Bauchalter
Jody and I were in the strip club. Music blared and strobe lights pulsed on a small stage. In the spotlight, a dancer was wrapping, and...

Mar 19, 20233 min read
"Over There" by DS Levy
On the day Sheila drives off in their new Chevy Silverado, John walks down to the lake and tests the ice. Thankfully, it holds, so he...

Mar 19, 20233 min read
"Way of the Deep" by Alyssa Jordan
The creature visited her every September. One year, Sarah had stopped traffic, drawn to the ocean with dread in her heart. Another year,...

Mar 5, 20234 min read
"Girl by Girl" by Kati Bumbera
Something was off about the woman from the start. Danielle knew it, even though she pushed the feeling down. Something in the way she...

Mar 5, 20232 min read
"What If I Knew?" by Margo Griffin
CW: self-harm, abuse I didn't know it then, but my friend Susan stole the five-dollar bill she gave me for my birthday right out of the...

Mar 5, 20233 min read
"Losing Face" & "Papaya Summers" by Amy Marques
Losing Face Don’t look in the mirror. Tilt ten degrees down: the phone, not the face. Tilt face to one side. Smile. Not a real smile. No...

Mar 5, 20231 min read
"Vertical Video" by Mathew Gostelow
I wince at the alien sound of my own voice. We’re bickering playfully in the clip. I’m awkward, pedantic. She’s adorably careless, as...
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