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Jan 2, 20221 min read
"Never wake your sleeping hero" by Kik Lodge
Never wake your sleeping hero because he’s probably dream-drooling over the hottie he’s with in Gala, coconut oiling her bum cheeks, and...
Jan 2, 20223 min read
"The Camel" by Margo Griffin
Forever relegated to the role of the elder and more responsible child, I delivered almost every sibling disaster headline to my mother....
Jan 2, 20222 min read
"Men Who Cross the Border" by Francois Bereaud
It happens on a Thursday. The morning offers the usual odors: armpits, assholes, instant coffee, and cheap cigarettes dominate, but,...
Dec 19, 20211 min read
"The Rest is Lost" by Julia Ruth Smith
It was a toffee door, open for everyone, closed after midnight. There was family and dogs on the staircase; coffee-drop lozenges going up...
Dec 19, 20212 min read
"Created" by Sky Sprayberry
The reports of my creation were greatly exaggerated. Everyone believed that Prometheus carefully crafted me from clay, that Athena...
Dec 19, 20212 min read
"Inked Lines" by Rachel Canwell
She pushes her hip against his. Slender teenage hips, denim-clad and barely there. She can feel a burn beneath the fabric, chafing on her...
Dec 19, 20212 min read
"Games night" by Bonnie Meekums
I laid it out very carefully this time. I didn’t want to lose any pieces, just in case everyone turned up. Last time, there was only me...
Dec 19, 20211 min read
"Obsessionals" by Epi Rogan
At first, He was charming and kind. Then things started to happen, That made me think, He’s not right in the head. He was becoming...
Nov 28, 20214 min read
"Snapshot" by Kellie Scott-Reed
“God makes you hopeful at 19, at 20, so you have the fire to go out and reproduce; the foolishness to believe the world is a place worth...
Nov 28, 20216 min read
"Vessel" by Tiffany M Storrs
She always carried her basket the way they carried water in the old days, perched high on her shoulder like a vessel. He vaguely...
Nov 14, 20213 min read
"What She Remembers" by Kellie Scott-Reed
“You know the stolen vehicle from that police chase in the city last week? The one that wrecked with a mother of five? Well, that was...
Nov 14, 20214 min read
"Monk", "A Slice of Pizza", and "Do What You Love" by Laura Stamps
MONK “None of you are called to cure the broken people in your life,” the monk teaches. “You’re called to care.” Kayla is sitting...
Nov 14, 20215 min read
"Sunbird" by Tiffany M Storrs
The only sound, other than the baby lion purr of the train, was the screeching of some bird on the horizon line, darting in and out of...
Oct 30, 20213 min read
"Lux" by Tiffany M Storrs
It’s rarely too late and never too early, so the sea is rife with heads and hands, each one too eager to claim what they will inevitably...
Oct 30, 20212 min read
"Decessit Sine Prole" by Christopher P. Mooney
Try again, they said, as if it were a school exam or a driving test. As if, somehow, there lay at the root of the problem a lack of...
Oct 16, 20212 min read
"I want to be held till my anxiety goes to sleep" by sloane angelou
On days like today, I want to be held in silence. No romance. Just friendship and hands, holding me firm and tight till all the anxiety...
Oct 16, 20214 min read
"Aftermath" by Amber Barney
Olivia flings open the door and retches onto the pavement. With a trembling hand, she wipes her mouth and stumbles out of the car, around...
Oct 16, 20212 min read
"Two Drops" by Tiffany M Storrs
Two drops of blood found on the bedsheet, the one tossed casually over her shoulder all night, in the one place where she felt small and...
Oct 16, 20212 min read
"The Way" by Laura Stamps
Sharon is a runner. Everyone has a thing they do. That’s her thing. The minute she gets out of bed in the morning she goes for a run. But...
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