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Jul 7, 20242 min read
"Dreki" by Kathy Hoyle
Marta stares into the fissure, flinching as the heat blisters her cheeks. Her boy, Kristjan, has been missing for eleven days now, ever...

Jul 7, 20241 min read
"Best Intentions" by Megan Hanlon
When heavy rains come, the driveways and sidewalks flood with earthworms. Long, skinny, pink ones; fat, short brown ones. Together but...

Jul 7, 20242 min read
"Suppose Gertrude" by Graham Robert Scott
Suppose Gertrude, instead of saying yes, answers no. Oh, she thinks it through, in a long silence that go-between Polonius fills with...

Jul 7, 20244 min read
"God on the Highway" by Swetha Amit
It was dark and rainy on the highway. Raindrops trickled on the windshield. Ma periodically put the wipers on. The roads were filled with...

Jul 7, 20242 min read
"Beyond (1988)" by David Yourdon
My grandfather went on a fishing trip in the country around New Paltz. “He caught nine rainbow trout!” There was pride and a vestige of...

Jul 7, 20242 min read
"For someone better at small talk" by Karen Walker
For someone better at small talk it would've been as easy as pie to delight while standing in line at the bakery behind a woman and a...

Jul 7, 20242 min read
"Top Cat" by Mary Anne Mc Enery
A black cat with piercing yellow eyes leaped out the window of a suburban house, shattering glass in his wake. "Great entrance,...

Jul 7, 20244 min read
"The Neighbourhood Watch" by Mathew Gostelow
CW: Violence When the beatings began, I wondered if I should intervene. But we were waiting for our new fridge to be delivered, and that...

Jul 7, 20244 min read
"Roach" by Benjamin Ray Allee
There was a roach on Gracie’s upturned back when she woke. Her eyes opened to slivers of afternoon light cutting onto the sheets from her...

Jun 23, 20242 min read
"What the Serial Killer Said" by Arthur Mandal
There’s a brand of packaged dates called ‘Deri Dates’. Tesco does them. Allow me a moment to express the disgust and repulsion this...

Jun 23, 20243 min read
"The Night Jane Didn’t Come Out of The Chair" by Kate Faigen
“When I saw you in half tonight,” Dustin said through beef-jerky breath, “I think I’m actually gonna saw you in half.” Jane smirked,...

Jun 23, 20241 min read
"In the Gynecologist’s Waiting Room, Aunt Flo Reads Female Frogs and Dragonflies May Feign Death to Avoid Mating" by Mikki Aronoff
When Jake’s home randy from trucking and candy, Flo’s amphibious—a moist, round thing. She sticks her skinny limbs out rigid—her rigor...

Jun 23, 20242 min read
"The Over-Rated Importance of Sound" by Foster Trecost
We moved on Tuesday but didn’t unpack right away. Mom said the boxes made it look like we had more furniture so we left them taped up and...

Jun 23, 20243 min read
"True romance" by Sandra Arnold
When Chloe came home from school she spotted another pile of romance novels by the side of her mother’s chair. She picked one up from the...

Jun 23, 20244 min read
"Killer" by Brandon Doughty
He came to in an instant, like someone flipped a breaker. Sitting up, he looked around wondering where he was. This thought led him to...

May 27, 20244 min read
"Bon Appétit" by Grace Black
Wednesday. A day. Not unlike the middle class and its acceptance of subpar success. A perfectly overlooked day in the strictest sense....

May 27, 20244 min read
"Dust to Dust" by Brendan Gillen
May awoke with a start in the middle of the night and felt a presence—a shadow, something—looming beside her bed. She clicked on the lamp...

May 27, 20243 min read
"Super sorry, buddy" by Catherine O’Brien
The lure of the footlights drew him here and taught him to befriend himself. The gently sloping stairway to stardom kept him here....

May 12, 20244 min read
"Fleeting" by John Grochalski
Of course, she was an artist. Of course, she was a writer too. Kyp could tell that by the way she pirouetted around the office pulling...

May 12, 20243 min read
"Kiss Them Goodbye" by Ken Derry
He turned into the lot and parked in the back where the trees offered privacy and he backed in so the view to the building’s entrance was...
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