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"Top Cat" by Mary Anne Mc Enery

A black cat with piercing yellow eyes leaped out the window of a suburban house, shattering glass in his wake.


"Great entrance, Midnight!" exclaimed a squirrel from a nearby tree.


"Oh, shut up, Nutty," muttered Midnight, rolling his eyes.


"What's going on?" asked a passing raccoon, intrigued by all the commotion.


Midnight recounted what happened.


“As Mr Jenkins and his wife sat down to dinner, I crept up on the dining table. With a swish of my tail, I knocked over the salt shaker and darted away.”


“Oh boy," chuckled the raccoon. "Someone’s getting bad luck tonight.”


Midnight continued.


“While the Jenkins slept, the new puppy began a rumpus of barking without letup.”


"Better watch your step puppy," snickered Nutty to the raccoon.


“Startled awake, Mr Jenkins stumbled out of bed, only to trip over a toy left out on the hall landing. Mrs Jenkins, awoken by the commotion, rushed to see what had happened. I pounced and startled her. She, too, fell down the stairs.”


"Ouch! That's got to hurt!" exclaimed Nutty.


"Never be perpendicular again after a tumble like that," added the raccoon.


“The puppy’s barks turned to whimpers as I approached him.”


Midnight stopped talking and there was a long silence.


"A new puppy! That’s brutal for the ego, Dude," said Nutty, shaking his head in disbelief.


 Days later, milk bottles — the tops gnawed open by the cat, poor hungry creature, —littered the porch.


Midnight stared with indifference at the comings and goings of the white -suited humans. They seemed oddly fascinated with the shattered window, snapped photos and dusted it with tiny brushes.


"Well played, Midnight," said Nutty, giving him a sly smile when they met after dark.


" It worked," replied Midnight in a smug tone. “I’ll be top cat here once more.”

Mary Anne Mc Enery an Irish and Dutch citizen, retired and living in the Hague. She writes micro and flash fiction stories. She writes to entertain her mind and play around with words!


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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