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Oct 3, 20234 min read
"Forming a Bruise" by Alison L Fraser
My high school boyfriend leans on me, the full weight of him disarming the rhythm of our steps as we walk home from school. The worn...

Sep 17, 20233 min read
"Heuristical Me" by William M. McIntosh
I got a message from you last night. It said you felt a lot of crazy ways that I didn’t know you felt, and it said a lot more than that....

Sep 17, 20234 min read
"Cindy" by Hugh Behm-Steinberg
When I first received the call, I thought it was a scam. Who would believe that Her Late Majesty the Queen had left behind not just a...

Sep 17, 20233 min read
"We don’t talk about the weakest ones" by Shareen K. Murayama
On the most prolonged day of the year, a line of five-year olds stand sea-facing. They used to call it jumping rock: a plume of ancient...

Sep 3, 20232 min read
"A Sensual Person" by Jessica Almereyda
I'm a sensual person and I know where you live. So when I'm walking in your direction on my way home from work, I fleetingly consider...

Sep 3, 20231 min read
"Don’t Look" by Mary Grimm
I’ve always been sitting at this kitchen table, even when I haven’t. My life: ash from a cigarette, swirl of torn paper. His name was… ....

Aug 20, 20232 min read
"We Cover Street Preachers in Rainbows" by Katy Goforth
The early October air in the south feels like molasses. But it’s one of the last outdoor festivals of the season, so I push through the...

Aug 20, 20234 min read
"Grief for the Glistening and the Grisly" by Patricia McCrystal
Like so many others, Cormac McCarthy was profoundly influential to my literary practice. McCarthy’s prose left me aghast. Devoured....

Aug 20, 20232 min read
"Blind Eyes And Wandering Hands" by Alison Wassell
Hannah’s dad holds the local paper close to his cataract-clouded eyes and cries when he reads about Ken Todd. Dabbing his face with a...

Aug 6, 20231 min read
"Waiting Man" by Willow Page Delp
Technically speaking, it is night. However, despite the chronological truth of the statement (a quick glance at his watch offers the...

Aug 6, 20233 min read
"Winterized" by Vasilios Moschouris
The key was right where I left it, beneath the loose brick in the path that led up to the door, but I left it gleaming gold in the black...

Jul 23, 20231 min read
"$300 masterclass on how to get rejected by the New York Times' 'Modern Love' column" by Chas Carey
Show tits. Be Black. Laugh too loudly. Order veal. Have the kind of queer relationship that Netflix hasn’t figured out how to monetize....

Jul 23, 20234 min read
"Bad Donna" by Sarah Holloway
Bad Donna calls me, as she does each year, to sing-song her signature ditty, “hey, hey, it’s the first of May! Outdoor fucking begins...

Jul 23, 20231 min read
"The Question" by Virginia Foley
Brian is handsome under moonlight: black shirt, grey jacket and peppered hair. My husband and Brian’s wife have stepped away from the...

Jul 23, 20232 min read
"Blighted" by Melanie Maggard
We’re digging up weeds in the garden. Skinny stalks with curly white roots rain dirt onto parched earth as we pluck and pull. We’ve been...

Jul 23, 20234 min read
"Confirmation Bias" & "Whale Rider" by Martha Lane
Confirmation Bias CW: Infertility Every fucker’s pregnant. Every single one. You follow a parade of swollen bellies, sashaying from side...

Jul 23, 20232 min read
"There Was a Ghost in the Attic, but I Never Told You" by Delphine Gauthier-Georgakopoulos
I dream of your house often. Musky, earthy mold tickles my nostrils as I climb the stairs from the garage; gradient gray speckles on the...

Jul 9, 20232 min read
"Deferred" by Abigail Myers
Do you want to come in? * Robert, this is Fabiane calling from the Blood Center. Thank you for giving the gift of life with us. We are...

Jul 9, 20234 min read
"I Need You So" by Gina Harlow
On a placid, still night, we see Brooke awaken to the chime of the security camera, and we feel it pluck a chord in her, like a seventh...

Jul 9, 20232 min read
"True or False: Because of the Time You Spend Caring for Your Mother…" By Joanna Theiss
True or False: Because of the Time You Spend Caring for Your Mother, You Don’t Have Time for Yourself The time you planned to meet your...
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