"Out of stock" by Eleonora Balsano
"Dementia Will Be My Mother's Golden Hall Pass" by Emily Baber
"The Night Drive" by Eden Ayers
"Desires" by Fabiana Elisa Martínez
"American Rock Idol Pop Superstar" by Amy Jones Sedivy
"That Night At The Abandoned Church" by Justin Carter
"WIND HARP" by Richard Ploetz
"Take Two Lies for the Pain" by Margo Griffin
"Ephemeris" by Kate E. Lore
"Port Awful" by Mather Schneider
"The Ghost of Christmas Presents" by Timothy C Goodwin
"Hen’s Teeth" by Meghan Ritchie
"Initiation" by Shane Joaquin Jimenez
Three 25-Word Stories by Kathryn Silver-Hajo
"Jesus Christ Throws Himself a Surprise Birthday Party…" by Corey Miller
"Writing Can at Times Come From a Very Selfish Place" by Sophie Dufresne
"The Comeback Kid" by Alan Swyer
"I Can Do It In My Sleep" by Sam Szanto
"The 396" by Steve Passey
"The Lake Underneath" by Travis Flatt