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"Bruno" by Rebecca Tiger
“Open up, you useless fat fuck!” Someone is banging on Heath’s front door. It’s late. Heath lives in the upstairs apartment...
Jan 2610 min read

"Milagro" by Melissa Wabnitz Pumayugra
We went to the botanica to pick out something nice and easy to heal Tami’s marriage. I knew it was falling apart because of all of the...
Jan 265 min read

"All the beautiful souls there are" by Mark Marchenko
‘Compassion was the most important, perhaps the sole law of human existence. ~ ‘The Idiot’ by Fyodor...
Dec 15, 202412 min read

"Shelter" by Joseph Pfister
During those first awful weeks in March, when rumors swirled that the city was about to go into lockdown and the wealthy clogged bridges...
Dec 2, 202429 min read

"The Blob" by Alannah Tjhatra
I almost jumped when I saw the thing but had enough decency not to. It was small and whimpering, and for a second, I thought it was a...
Nov 17, 202414 min read

"These Are the Good Times" by Rolf Ebeling
On a sunny, bright blue June morning—likely the last day of his nine-month-long teaching career—Randy Shep slouched on a hot metal...
Oct 13, 202422 min read

"Mute All" by Jay Parr
She worships at his feet. She doesn’t care that I exist. She stands at the foot of the stage, looking up at him with adoring eyes, his...
Oct 13, 20245 min read

"Petey’s Own Personal Jesus" by Jacqueline Doyle
What Do You Do with a Two-Hundred Pound Jesus? They’d had one too many that night, again. Sometime after midnight, Petey and Earl found...
Sep 30, 20246 min read

"Remembered to" by R. P. Singletary
Look and see. He knew where. He took the stoned path, now more grass or correctly just plain but lovely weed, to the wooden structure,...
Sep 24, 20244 min read

"The Neighborhood" by Julius Olofsson
In April, he rang my doorbell, and by June, he had disappeared. But I didn’t know that then, as I sat in my apartment during a worthless...
Sep 3, 202415 min read

"A Blackbird, Bobble Hat And An Answer" by Sally Shaw
“Will someone come for me?” I ask out loud. The only one to hear is a Blackbird I’ve named Stanley Stub. Stanley has one good leg, the...
Sep 3, 20246 min read

"Hup!" by David Cook
The audience, crammed shoulder to shoulder in tight, neat, curved rows, stared upwards, mouths agape like stunned goldfish, semi-chewed...
Sep 3, 20243 min read

"The glorious Miss Glory" by Sandra Arnold
The Bible Class our parents forced us to attend every Sunday morning was so mind-numbingly boring that Trinity and I spent our time there...
Sep 3, 20246 min read

"Ruminations over the loss of his dream" by Emma Burnett
When I wake, the baby is gone. My hand rests on my flattened, soft belly, empty except for some gas. Maybe it’s left over from the dream...
Aug 18, 20241 min read

"Smother (v.): stifle, suppress, suffocate" by Ayin Ships
It was almost a joke when you asked me. I’d been splashing water on my face in the bathroom off the grand ballroom’s hallway, inching up...
Aug 4, 202410 min read

"When One Door Closes" by Olivia Canny
Elaine knew that her keys were trying to tell her something when she dropped them on the floor in front of her bed. They landed in such a...
Aug 4, 20248 min read

"Pointed Edge" by Dinamarie Isola
The metal door slams behind me, shutting out the last bit of the day’s light, leaving the fluorescent bulb to its dreary work. My shoes...
Aug 4, 20249 min read

"Monday Morning Quarterback" by Garrett Berberich
A freshly cut rose stood between the smiling couple, droplets of water clinging to its rigid stem. They reached across the corner table...
Jul 21, 20245 min read

"March Madness" by Parker Wilson
They stand below the rim in a group and reach their fingertips to bump the ball toward the rim or away from it, toward another rim....
Jul 7, 202412 min read

"Getting Back Out There" by Ryan Bender-Murphy
I was told that I could no longer come into the office, but I still had to work. So my apartment became my office. And because the two...
Jul 7, 202411 min read
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