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Nov 27, 20222 min read
“Questions on the Reading” by Kate Deimling
1) Discuss the theme of butterflies. What do they represent? 2) What does this story tell us about the role soup/gender/usury plays in...

Nov 27, 20223 min read
“Small Town Life in the News" by Nolcha Fox
*** Illegal Activity on Mayberry Street Last Tuesday, Mrs. Frobisher and her alleged lady friends broke up an illegal parade of wild...

Nov 27, 20221 min read
"Cancer" by Robert Allen
We saw each other at the grocery store – then a few hours later, at the same cafe. Riding the bus home, there she was again. She sat next...

Nov 27, 20222 min read
"In Walks a Van Gogh Salesman" by Francine Witte
In walks a Van Gogh salesman, and not the sunflower kind. “No starry nights neither,” he winks at Jen and me as we sit there. Like...

Nov 27, 20223 min read
"Suburban Horticulture" by Nina Miller
It was no surprise to Dharti that the pedicure would go awry. Being made of solid earth created a habit of clogging drains. Ankle deep in...

Nov 27, 20222 min read
"No one cares at the fairground" by Marie-Louise McGuinness
It will be dead soon. Poached slowly in sun warmed plastic, steam droplets suspended inches above the waterline, like chandelier pendants...

Nov 13, 20222 min read
"Measuring the Density of Air" by Denise Bayes
“The air’s so thick tonight.” The taxi driver shouts, head twisted towards her, turning the steering wheel with one hand, veering out...

Nov 13, 20224 min read
“Baptized” by Dan Crawley
Elijah is next to climb into the baptistry tank, the kind of tank you would see at a carnival that dunks your obnoxious sister, or dorky...

Nov 13, 20222 min read
"Fries" by C.E. Hoffman
We’re stuck in the drive-thru screaming at each other. Your window’s down ready to order while I fail to hide my wet-sob face from the...

Nov 13, 20224 min read
"Rage" by Lorraine Murphy
It wasn’t the venom he spit through his contorted lips that shocked me the most. No, it was the speed at which it all happened. At first,...

Oct 30, 20222 min read
“Small Things” by Maria Thomas
“Help me Jesus” Lone whispers from the outhouse where he hides amongst the doodlebugs, the cobwebs and the glucose tracks of slugs. He...

Oct 30, 20222 min read
“Embers and Ashes” by Delphine Gauthier-Georgakopoulos
She had a Nose; it was her inherited gift, her genetic curse; scents made their way through her nostrils, to her palate, tongue, throat....

Oct 30, 20224 min read
"Pre-Teen Pyromaniac" by Chester Holden
My older brother and I were brought up in constant intoxication-fueled chaos. And as siblings with traumatic upbringings often do, we...

Oct 20, 20223 min read
“A Ball Rolls Down a Hill" by Gary Duehr
Don't write a story about a ball rolling down a hill. —Workshop adage A ball that is my life is rolling down a hill. The hill, I suppose,...

Oct 20, 20222 min read
"The Choice to Stay or Go" by Molly Andrea-Ryan
The dragonflies were out in hundreds, flying erratically along invisible paths of sharp and surprising angles. She sat and watched them...

Oct 20, 20222 min read
"Sweet Tooth" by Samuel Edwards
Dinner was over, the plates were collected, and the waiter asked if we wanted to see the dessert menu. I couldn’t manage another bite,...

Oct 2, 20222 min read
"The Lie I Wish I Told" by Margo Griffin
After the third interruption, I lost my train of thought again. “It must have been a lie,” my mother quipped. Why the hell would I lie...

Oct 2, 20223 min read
"Elevator Music" by Lauren Kardos
According to Yelp, most tourists depart the haunted hotel downtown in disappointment, but you’ve always been luckier than most. You...

Oct 2, 20222 min read
"Bearing Down/Bearing Up" by Hilary Ayshford
Vivienne is pregnant. She shares her news with the office before she's even taken off her coat. People crowd round her. There are hugs...

Oct 2, 20222 min read
"Lily of the Valley, Mamma and Me" by Mary Anne Mc Enery
I smell lily of the valley scent—mamas’ perfume — from the flower bouquets in the dayroom. We sit in washable armchairs wearing our...
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