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"Book Box" by Chris Lihou
He built a community book box located at the bottom of the drive. “Take One, Leave One,” said the sign. So, they exchanged books over the...
Jun 9, 20241 min read

"Finger envoys" by Kik Lodge
I don’t like the way my wife eats toast. I tell her this because it’s important. I say no rush, babe! Slow down the frantic crunching!...
Jun 9, 20241 min read

"Birds on a Bus" & "Spring Training" by Louella Lester
Birds on a Bus The guy behind me squawks at his seat mate. "I used to live just over there until my wife tried to knife me and I got put...
Jun 9, 20242 min read

"Frail Threads of Life" by Andrea Damic
I never knew they were so vulnerable, energetic little tykes. All I’d ever heard is how mischievous and resilient they are. The tiny...
Jun 9, 20243 min read

"Side A: Violent Femmes" by Sabrina Hicks
We sat in our rooms with the new Violent Femmes cassette tape, rewinding the part where Gordon Gano sings about why he can’t get just one...
May 27, 20243 min read

"A Father’s Song" by Karen Crawford
My father played guitar at night. Sometimes, I’d peek out my bedroom door to listen. He’d sit in an old velvet chair, his guitar like a...
Mar 3, 20241 min read

"Whitecaps" by Meg Tuite
Blasted by winds of silent rage, this would be nothing less than a tsunami. No trees left standing. The Northeastern constricted...
Mar 3, 20242 min read

"Imprint" by Justine Payton
Hold tight. Let go. Paper cuts. Finger pricks. Knuckles jam. Bones smash. Muddy nails. Palms on an oak burl. Dandelion yellow. White snow...
Feb 18, 20242 min read

"Photo Booth" by Sarah Kartalia
For the icebreaker activity at the workshop we have to introduce ourselves to the group by imagining that our life is summed up in a...
Feb 4, 20241 min read

"Making the World a Better Place" by Eliot S Ku
When the self-driving vehicle was in a bad accident but still in drivable condition, it selfishly bypassed the local hospital on its way...
Jan 28, 20241 min read

"Pupa" by Elena Zhang
We cocooned ourselves in our sleeping bags, still high from the marshmallows and campfire smoke, seeking warmth from polyester fiber...
Jan 7, 20241 min read

"Vacuum" by B F Jones
Content Warning: Suicide/Death 13th of October 1989 was the day mum vacuumed the Lego. I remember the date, because it was the day after...
Jan 7, 20242 min read

"ANAGKH (FATE)" by JS O'Keefe
Why such an intelligent-looking physically strong young guy is behind the counter selling sandwiches at the airport? When I ask him to...
Jan 4, 20242 min read

Three 25-Word Stories by Kathryn Silver-Hajo
Elixir He took the pills dutifully. She thought they were cyanide. Turned out to be Cialis. She decided to give the old bastard a second...
Jan 4, 20241 min read

"My mother, myself" by Bonnie Meekums
We have slipped on ice and toys. We have slipped out of our clothes, dog tired at the end of the day. We have slipped an extra tablet...
Nov 12, 20231 min read

"Bad News", "Little Manila", & "Boys" by Alex Romero
Bad News You seen them boys before? You know the ones, those three boys from the borough of Queens who pedal down the street machine-gun...
Nov 12, 20233 min read

"Profile Photos" by Sam Szanto
I selected a table as if I were buying it, cleared a lipsticked memento of a previous meeting, held onto my phone. Stared through a...
Oct 15, 20231 min read

"Ending with a line from Peter and Wendy" by Cathy Ulrich
Robot baby is put in a crib at night. It bows, bows, bows under Robot baby’s weight. In the dark, Robot baby glows like a lonely firefly....
Oct 3, 20231 min read

"Waiting Man" by Willow Page Delp
Technically speaking, it is night. However, despite the chronological truth of the statement (a quick glance at his watch offers the...
Aug 6, 20231 min read

"Progress" by Addison Zeller
A writing program would’ve whipped me into shape. I wouldn’t be so damn flabby. My stories wouldn’t start in the wrong place, right at...
Jul 9, 20232 min read
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