"Red, Red God" by Linda M. Bayley
"Missing" & "Urgent Care" by Cheryl Snell
"You Know Tina's Family's the Reason We Broke Up" by Kristi Ferguson
"Why I Avoid Confession" by Anne Anthony
"Payback" by Laura Leigh Morris
"Because we don’t know how to lose" & "Violet" by Eirene Gentle
"When You Book Us a Tarot Reading After Your Death" & "Miss Havisham Teaches English" by Hema Nataraju
"Like a Virgin" by Kerry Byrne
"Making Music" & "Harp in the Corner" by Karen Pierce Gonzalez
"The Single Parents’ Sunday Cycle" by Lucy Goldring
"Hurley's House" by M. Rose Seaboldt
"Brown Girl's Guide to Manifest Destiny" by Suma Jayachandar
"The Night Linda’s Worries Took Off" by Margo Griffin
"Suppose Gertrude" by Graham Robert Scott
"Sunday at the Ocean" by Eliot S. Ku
"In the Gynecologist’s Waiting Room, Aunt Flo Reads Female Frogs and Dragonflies May Feign Death to Avoid Mating" by Mikki Aronoff
"Firebird" by Alastair Millar
"Book Box" by Chris Lihou
"Finger envoys" by Kik Lodge
"Birds on a Bus" & "Spring Training" by Louella Lester