"The first time Audrey flies a kite", “Last night”, & "The first time your first child bleeds" by Brian Baker
"Waiting on the train" & "Saudade" by Arlo Arctia
"The Choreographer" by Anne Whitehouse
"I, Too, Am the Face of Humanity" by Andrew Buckner
"Rochester", "The Mass Marketing Email Says We Will Miss You After I Smash That Unsubscribe Link" & "Home" by James Croal Jackson
"To Fill Their Glasses Once Again" & "The Poem Escapes Me" by April Ridge
"Lady Liberty arrives belting Bruce Springsteen" by Julianna Reidell
"Into the Land of Nod" by Alex Stolis
"Snowscape", "White on White", and "The Bronze Bust" by Mark Belair
Five Haikus by J. R. Wilkerson
"non-BINARY" by Maxine Moriwaki
"Hallowed Be Thy Shape" & "tomorrow, please" by Terri Gower
"Like a hair-tie or a gas station receipt" by Kit Steitz
"rebirth of eve" & "moth girl dreaming" by Hannah Gumpert
"Won't Let You Come To Nothing" by georgë kear
"b-side" by Valeria Turp-Balazs
"Time", "Excitement Equals", & "The Find" by Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon
"Time is a Yellowing Thing" by Eric Subpar
"I Waited for An Ice Age", "Concerning Thursday", "Between his legs" & "Meat Raffle" by Ewen Glass
"Everything that’s influenced my work/me (After Rosemary Mayer)" by Tara Giancaspro