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- “Phathol Green Cerulean Blue” by Sherry Cassells
Where did you get this coffee – Jesus Christ – middle earth? We were sitting on the Canadian Shield which is one motherfucker of a rock – I am balancing on it now as I jostle these words together – watching Lake Superior which was named not because it’s the better of the Great Lakes like everybody thinks but because of the French words for its position, lac supérieur, which simply means upper lake. The Canadian Shield is the exposed portion of continental crust underlying the majority of North America and it ekes out pines along its edges like they escaped – imposing beasts digging their heels into scant earth – relentlessly shoved by the wind they lean far above our heads, their disfigurement permanent and exquisite. You know these trees point phthalo green in living rooms, the water and sky cerulean, the horizon false because in real life you can’t tell what’s what out there. It’s like getting stabbed he said What’s like getting stabbed? The coffee. I brushed with splayed fingers indicating everything before and above me oh I thought you meant this. Well, that too. Me and my husband Max are from the north – we’d just visited our parents – but I alone was under its spell, the cool mornings, the way the sun was just starting to sparkle and amp which gave me a certain effervescence not to be confused with superiority although close. I don’t think I want to go back I said. You say that every time he said every time. I bit my lip and squinted, nodding. We got in the car, buzzed and maybe one good headache between us, drove into the sun quietly until we stopped at that restaurant on the hill, the one Max doesn’t know I’ve been to with other men on other cool mornings, sleepy and sore, before I met him. Another thing he doesn’t know is that it was more timing than him – like I suddenly got a lumbering piece of love and had to put it down somewhere – and I went with it, you know, said yes and leaned right the fuck into it. But unlike the beautiful Lake Superior pines, my disfigurement remains imperfect. Sherry is from the wilds of Ontario. She writes the kind of stories she longs for and can rarely find. Feeling Funny
- “The Sweet Softness of Dates” & “Between Springtime and Night” by Kathryn Silver-Hajo
Sweet Softness of Dates She sits in her wicker chair, the one painted bright green because that’s how she likes it. She lets the sweet softness of dates linger on her tongue, makes a small mound of pits on the seat next to her where the others won’t see it and scold her for making a mess. The air coming in through the veranda windows smells of the sea and the bread bakery down below and exhaust from those damned motorbikes that roar the wrong way down the street day and night, day and night. Some poor dog is yowling—probably being chased by a snot-nosed kid with a stick whose family didn’t raise him right. Who am I? they ask. Who are you? What year is it? Where were you born? So many questions. Do they take me for a fool? I’ve survived war, a love that couldn’t be and a marriage without it, children who left me to go here there and everywhere, a body once sturdy and beautiful that has grown stiff and feeble and fragile. So don’t ask me who I am or what I remember. I am the air you breathe, the world you think of as yours. I am hands that have birthed a thousand babies, helped girls-barely-women in distress do what they felt they must, cooked countless meals when all I wanted was to put up my feet. These eyes have seen more than you’ll ever know or understand. So don’t ask me. Don’t feed me. Don’t try to make me sleep or walk in circles around the apartment in the building I built. Just leave me in the peace I’ve never known but have finally found. It is mine to take. Between Springtime and Night (after Persephone, by Helen Lundeberg 1950) She stood on the tiny patch of grass clutching a cluster of flowers—pale pastels. All the color she could bear. For so long it had seemed to her that every day was a choice though most days she didn’t have strength to choose. She’d seen that abyss up close, that cavernous mouth of dark that threatened to devour her, devour everything light and good. She almost wished it would, sucking away her grief as well. But then it settled—this thick, solid presence inside her, and she lost track of the days since he left, gliding through time on the rituals of the living—waking to the sage smoke smell of him still clinging to the soft quilt, watching the steam from her morning tea rise and writhe before vanishing in the sun. At the keyboard, her fingers performed their perfunctory duties as if no thought were required, obediently producing figures—looping black on a sheet of white, figures that might once have made sense to her, seemed profound, even. Sometimes, when the bright was too much, flickering and flashing as if mocking her despair, she’d pull the shades, only realize night was coming when sadness blanketed the numbness of day. The damp grass is cool between her toes now as she gazes at the darkness that once held her in thrall. A tremble of warm air fragrant with hyacinth is at her back, ruffling her skirt, lifting her hair. Even now she hesitates between springtime and night, gripping those pale flowers. Kathryn Silver-Hajo’s work appears or is forthcoming in Atticus Review, Bending Genres, Citron Review, Craft Literary, Emerge Literary Journal, Fictive Dream, Flash Boulevard, Litro Magazine, New World Writing, Pithead Chapel, Ruby Literary, The Wild Word, and others. Her flash collection Wolfsong and her novel Roots of The Banyan Tree are both forthcoming in 2023. Kathryn is a reader for Fractured Lit. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island with her husband and curly tailed pup, Kaya. More at: www.kathrynsilverhajo.com twitter.com/KSilverHajo and www.instagram.com/kathrynsilverhajo
- “Memory Lanes” by James Callan
Bowling is like anything else; when you get a little drunk you become much better at it. The rule of thumb is you go with a bowling ball that is ten percent of your body weight. But why would you heft and throw a sixteen-pound weight over and over again when you could do the same with one that is eight? If you wanted a gym workout you’d be elsewhere. You’d have skipped out on those pints of Pabst Blue Ribbon, the nips of Famous Grouse from your paper-clad hip-flask. And really, had you done that, then what’s the fucking point? Those shoes. Those fucking shoes! You kind of love them ‘cause you’ve got a kink for jesters. Everyone goes on about feet. And it’s true; shoes are all about feet. But really, you’d pass on any foot job if you could just get your hands around a clown and make the nasty. What is that shit they spray into those harlequin sneakers? You always wonder. Odor eater? Antifungal this or that? The only thing you know is you like the smell of it, the ritual of the aerosol spray upon the soles, an exchange of fluids from the man who hands you the clown shoes to your lucky little feet, kind of like a foot job. Your eight-pound ball leaves your hand to glide across the well-polished, wooden byway. It flies like a bat out of hell and by chance the jukebox plays Meatloaf, but it’s a different tune. It’s the one about the two seventeen-year-old kids fucking in the car. “Paradise by the Dashboard Light.” The Loaf wails away about how he wants to reach home plate, go all the way, get past third base with the girl of his dreams. He gets what he wants in the end but pays for it. Good song. Strikes aren’t reserved for baseball. You are reminded of this as you fist pump, watching an eight-pound projectile collide with ten pins to obliterate their neat triangular formation, their soldier-like poise. In baseball, it’s three strikes and you’re out. In bowling, three consecutive strikes is called a turkey. As to why, you have no fucking clue. You know Google will have the answer as fast as you can type the question but you really couldn’t give a shit. Some things are better left a mystery. You don’t get a turkey this go around. You avoid the turkey on the menu because the bowling alley is not a place to eat beyond safe, simple dishes; hot fries and warm pretzels. You wouldn’t eat turkey anyhow. You are vegan. Besides, you aren’t even hungry. Your best score of the evening isn’t quite 150. Your best score ever is 161, and you’re sure you’ll make 200 if you just keep at it. A turkey or two and you’ll be on your way from there. But it isn’t really about the score. It’s not about the bragging rights. It’s about the pints of beer, the nips of whisky, the rhythm of your hips as you heft and lift your eight-pound ball, the pendulum swing and release as you watch it skate down that smooth-as-ice avenue towards ten sleeping soldiers, ten erect implements that would be perfect for juggling if only there was a clown. You decide that the day you reach 200 is the day you leave Memory Lanes behind. You’ll leave the building without returning your bowling shoes. You’ll move on to other things, other hobbies. Maybe you’ll start to take life seriously. Maybe you’ll stop clowning around. Maybe you’ll go in for a career, become a doctor or a lawyer, perhaps an actor. You could join the circus. Become a clown. Hell, you’ll have the shoes for it. James Callan grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He lives on the Kāpiti Coast, New Zealand on a small farm with his wife, Rachel, and his little boy, Finn. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Bridge Eight, White Wall Review, Maudlin House, Cardiff Review, and elsewhere. His novel, A Transcendental Habit, is due for publication in 2023 with Queer Space, an imprint of Rebel Satori Press.
- "Hostile Architecture" & "The Worms" by Robert Beveridge
Hostile Architecture We huddle closer to the space heater, close enough that the sparks will singe our blankets. “It’s a cult,” you say. “It feeds on the homeless.” I look out our grimy window at the shelter next door, the turned-away who press themselves closer to the chimney the city installed over the heating grate. “And you know,” I say, “someone will come take them.” Not all, but one, maybe two. Tonight, as every night. one sits in the doorway of the abandoned vape shop next door, threadbare blanket clutched to her chest. tomorrow, or the next day, someone will find her, cyanotic, on the church steps, sacrificed to a hungry god who thrives on the cold. The Worms Metropolis, Part 11 I He paused in the doorway, remembering the night before. In the doorway, clutched together, hard and slow, her hair like blood trickling down his chest as his love trickled down her thigh. Now, the morning. Through the doorway, the blast of air conditioning even in winter assaulting his hair and face. Into the worms' cavern, the platform, blue-white tile, pristine, cold glare. It's crowded, as always, bodies in suits and a wino or two. Spare some change for the magistrate? The customary quarters, no corned beef sandwich today. They smile, move apart. He moves to the front of the platform. Fading now: Spare some change for the magistrate? Some disturbance in the back, jostling, pressing he's on the yellow line Hey, man, I'm the magistrate! You makin' a mistake! I'll get ya back, you'll see, you'll see... An elbow, a missed ledge. He always knew the worms would come for him. II The magistrate now outside his kingdom sits, a frown begging its way onto his forehead. A form, blurred feet: Spare some change for the magistrate? He looks up: her face is soft, fresh, framed with red so deep it's almost blood her eyes, the purest Midori poured into a freckled shotglass she is clutching a brown paper bag to her purple halter top, breasts straining under a denim jacket she stops, digs in a pocket of her tight grey jeans, shaping her thighs, muscular (it must be from sex, lucky guy) She digs out a bill, passes it, smiles: I'll vote for you. She goes on to battle the coldness. Next come the cops, and the magistrate presses himself into the doorway but they run past then the ambulance and the men in white as clean as the magistrate's kingdom. III Carrying his forgotten lunch, she braves the cold, clutches her jacket to her chest down the stairs, jostled by police and paramedics she wonders idly what's the matter on the platform, faceless men in business suits milling, confused a train is stopped, unmoving sitting, hissing in its niche, it seems it may never move again one last hiss and the train dies a swarm of uniforms masses into the tunnel like lemmings looking for his sneakers and tweed overcoat in this sea of pinstripes, she doesn't see him curious, she moves towards the edge of the platform; just a quick look, she can find him soon. Police paramedics a lumpy sheet stained red a black sneaker she drops the bag, and it rips: a shattered glass bottle of soda, liquid spreading, soaking the bag. She falls to her knees, Midori spilling down her cheeks IV All those cops and no one's busting the magistrate so he slips back into his kingdom. Confusion, everyone's moving but going nowhere the beautiful girl is moving, falling to her knees possibly in prayer to the now-silent worm on its track he goes to her and she is crying there's something on the track in front of the train it's red and surrounded by cops and she's staring at it. The magistrate sits, legs dangling over the side next to the girl he was your man the magistrate says She nods, causing a shower of tears onto her jacket Hand on her shoulder, he rummages in a few pockets pulls out her now-crinkled dollar Here, girl. Lemme buy ya a cup of coffee. She nods, rises, stains spreading on track and platform. Robert Beveridge (he/him) makes noise (xterminal.bandcamp.com) and writes poetry in Akron, OH. Recent/upcoming appearances in Cerasus, Discretionary Love, and Sein und werden, among others.
- "The Permanent Marks left by the Broken Hearts Out on the 405" by Steve Passey
I Southern California smells of honeysuckle, pomelo, orange blossoms, lavender and the Pacific Ocean, always the ocean. All scents are carried inland from the water, across the sand and the pavement, up from the leaves of the trees and flower petals and across the whole even into the San Gabriel Mountains. In the beginning, before there were missions and buildings of stone, and before the permanent marks left by the broken hearts out on the 405, the Los Angeles floodplain was heavily wooded with willow and oak trees. Aloft on the winds from the ocean and fed on the nectar of flowers, a thousand hummingbirds fly like bees. II Michelle sat on the park bench across from the assisted living facility with a tote bag holding her service weapon and the wireless kit. She had on her sunglasses but wore her hair long to cover her ear-piece. She didn’t wear body armor. This was strictly surveillance, so she was able to take her jacket off and put it in the tote and sit there with just her black t-shirt, jeans and boots. You doin’ OK? Rick’s voice came in over the radio. All good, she responded. She and Rick and been at the DEA for a few years and had worked together before. He had overwatch. Michelle had to sit there and look like anyone else while she watched traffic. They were looking for five to seven-year-old GMC pickups with toppers, with two Hispanic men and clean California plates. The Tijuana Lonely Boys – an affiliate of a larger Tijuana cartel – were moving P2P methamphetamines in false bottoms in the beds. They’d deliver to the rear of the restaurant kiddy-corner from the assisted living facility and then distribute to the street-level dealers from there. Michelle would sit on a park bench near the intersection to spot and call out trucks. The rest of the team observes, and counts, and then one day will be the last day and they’ll make the bust. The “TLB” were smart enough not to use the same truck, the same drivers, or the same day of the week to make their run each time so the case had to be built from surveillance, one run at a time. So, Michelle sat. The DEA were smart too, and it wasn’t always Michelle, and Michelle wasn’t always in the same clothes. This is how the game was played. On most of her days, but not all, an old man using a walker came out of the assisted living facility and just stood in the sun for a few minutes. Some days he would walk as best he could and he got as far as the intersection and waited for the lights to change, but then went back, as if he wanted to cross but then thought better of it. You see that guy? Rick? Ricky? You see that guy? That old guy with the walker? Yes, Rick spoke. Yes, I got him. What – you think he’s spotting for them? No, no, no – I think he’s just trying to cross the street. How sad. He’s not wearing an ankle monitor, Rick said. He can’t be too bad. It was true, many dementia and Alzheimer’s patients in these places had monitors to alert the staff when they get past the doors. They were an escape risk – a hazard to themselves and others, but this guy looked clean. Any trucks yet, Rick asked. Any Lonely Boys? No, she said, but you’ll be the first to know when I do. The Park had been mowed that morning and it still smelled of fresh cut grass. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. There were no trucks. Hey, Rick said over the wireless. The old guy made it into the crosswalk. Michelle looked over. It was true. He’d been waiting for the light to change and then had started to cross the street. He was maybe a third of the way when it changed again. Traffic had to stop but no one shouted or laid on their horn. Instead, they waved. He looked like he was doing some sort of a victory lap. He paused and held a fist up high in salute to the onlookers before making his way across to Michelle’s side of the street. Go old guy, Rick said. Go old guy, Michelle echoed. Michelle watched the old man, who rested a bit, his chin tucked into his chest, before jerking his head up and coming, step by painful step, towards her. Some old men get old and they have a belly that falls down like a half-empty sack of grain. They have to wear suspenders to keep their pants up. If they don’t their pants fall down and they look like their legs are too short to even have knees. Other old men, their belly tucks in and rests up tight against their spine, and these old men belt their pants up just under the armpits. The old man with the walker was one of the latter, his brown pants worn up high and tight. He got to the end of the bench Michelle sat on and waited a bit, catching his breath. Rick came in over the radio. Is he ok? Should I call an ambulance? Michelle said nothing and just looked at the old man. Hey baby, the old man said. I’ve been watching you. How come you never smile? You should smile more. I’ll try and remember that, sir, Michelle said. She used her cop voice. She looked away after she said it, to make it clear that she was done with him. So, tell me something, he said, breathing hard again, trying to right himself after his marathon. Tell me: What does a guy have to do to get into your guts? What? Michelle said, looking at him. She could hear Ricky laughing out loud in her ear piece. Yeah, what’s a guy got to do to get into your guts? Rick was nearly in hysterics in the earpiece. How old are you Grandpa, she asked? Old enough, he said. You know what they say: The older the buck, the harder the horn. OK, look Buck, she said, you can’t get into my guts, or anyone’s guts. I doubt you ever could. We’re going to turn you around and send your ass back into that assisted care bed of yours, and the care attendants there are going to let you lie in bed in a puddle of your own piss for three days because they are sick of your shit too. MICHELLE, MICHELLE, MICHELLE. Rick was shouting into her earpiece. The old man just stared. RUN! She shouted at the old man. The old man’s head jerked up at her command. “MICHELLE! TRUCKS! LOS LONELY BOYS!” Rick shouted into the earpiece. A large woman in a green uniform with a name tag on a lanyard had come out of the assisted living facility and was looking around. Michelle stood up and waved at her. The woman shook her head and began to run towards them. Michelle stood up and grabbed the old man’s walker and yanked it hard around so that he could not face her. He very nearly fell but somehow held the vertical. His hands and knuckles were spotted and his fingernails long and yellow. The woman in the uniform came still shaking her head. What’d he do, she asked? Michelle rolled her eyes, and the aide led the old man away. Eventually, Rick shut down surveillance and sat down by Michelle for a while. She did not speak. What are you doing tonight, he asked? Off to my sister’s place to make antipasto and get my hair cut, she said. Once a month or so we get together. We make something useful because Teresa wants us to remember how we grew up. Our mom made everything from scratch, and Teresa cuts our hair. Mom always wanted us to keep our hands busy, and to get good marks. Family traditions. Your sister is still doing hair? Rick asked. Just for friends and family, Michelle said. She married well, so she doesn’t have to spend twenty years standing over the chair. No carpal tunnel syndrome or an osteoarthritic back for her now. How’s your younger sister doing? Rick asked. Still going through lots of men, lots of wine, and feeling sorry for herself, Michelle said. Is she still hot? She’ll always be hot. She’ll always be a flake. You know, today, Rick said, with that old guy – that was hilarious. Ain’t no perv like an old perv. I thought you might shoot him. I thought about it. Think of the attendants. He needs one of those monitoring bracelets – one with some sort of electrical shock control. I’d light him up first thing in the morning and then a few more times every day just in case he was even thinking about thinking about pulling more of that shit. If you want, Rick said, we can make a complaint to the P.D. They’ll have a uniform go on in there and talk to him. Scare him a bit. What for? Michelle said. I bet he already shits himself. Have a good weekend, Ricky. III Daisy, the youngest of the three Guzman sisters, sat on a stool at her sister Teresa’s kitchen counter with her wine and watched her sister start to prepare the vegetables for homemade antipasto. Mushrooms and peppers, black pepper, sugar and salt. She cut the vegetables with a thousand-dollar knife. She’d been a hairdresser before getting married, and knew the value of having good equipment. Daisy drank her wine. How is the Canadian? Teresa asked. Gone back to Canada, Daisy said, then refill! Ah, that’s right. I remember you crying. Is it an Australian now? Teresa poured. He was British, and he was before the Canadian. I’ve got a local guy now, a good guy. A great guy. One-hundred percent All-American. He even played football in high school. I never can keep track, Chica. Hey Chica, don’t you be calling me Chica! Daisy laughed. We grew up in the same house. It’s not 1988 anymore either. It’s not my fault our parents named me Daisy. You got the best name, and then Michelle is Michelle. Still good. And I get Daisy. I was doomed from the start. And you could keep track if you paid attention. It’s possible. Teresa acknowledged her sister’s complaint about her name. Why did you dump the Canadian? He seemed nice. I don’t know, Daisy said. I didn’t so much dump him as he just left and never came back. Men, hey. Who knows? Teresa looked at Daisy. Because Daisy had always been beautiful, she’d never had to be kind. What had she said or done to the Canadian? She had always been at war with her men. Other women too, except for Teresa. Daisy and Michelle did not get along all that well. Teresa felt sorry for the Canadian, whom she imagined to be bound in heavy coats and scarves, his face invisible beneath them as he forged through the snow to find whatever sad fate awaited him up there. She could only imagine what Daisy had said or done. Daisy spoke again. Just give me the bottle, Chica; I’ll refill my own glass. That’s how it works: You prep, I pour. Michelle can run the food processor. When will Michelle be getting here? Michelle is late, Daisy said. She’s always late. It’s a fact, not an answer. Work, or traffic, or both, Teresa said. The antipasto was all in mason jars now, and in paper shopping bags, four jars for each sister. When will Mark and the boys get back? Daisy asked. Whenever the Dodgers game is over, Teresa said. That’s where he took them. That’s nice. You know, if he took the boys out, I bet he’ll expect a little something-something when he gets back. Know what I mean? Uh-huh uh-huh? Teresa laughed and said, He’ll be home and will fall asleep in the chair watching the news while I get the boys to bed. Besides, I haven’t shaved – shaved anything – in ten days. I’d need to shower and take care of myself first. By the time that’s all done – it’s tomorrow.” They both laughed. Hey, sister, will you cut my hair tonight, Daisy asked Teresa, once they had stopped laughing. Of course. Do I ever say no? Teresa said. I’m thinking of going short. Don’t. You won’t like it. It’s just hair, it’ll grow back. True, but you won’t like it. Michelle walked into Teresa’s carried on the scent of jasmine. Teresa had managed to grow some on trellises framing the doorway and it carried inside in the wake of everyone’s passing even in the still of early evening. Hey Chicas, she said as she walked in. I’m sorry I’m late. Hey Chica, said Teresa. Long day at the office? How’s the Canadian, Michelle asked as she took her jacket off. Teresa shot her a look that said: Don’t. It’s okay, said Daisy, He’s gone. I have a new guy now. What did you do? Why does it always have to be something I did? Why would you assume that? At any rate, I have a new man. You should meet him. Judge for yourself. You know what, Michelle said, if you can keep him for six months bring him around. I’ve always wanted to witness a miracle. Daisy didn’t hear. She had taken out her phone and was getting ready to take some selfies while Teresa cut her hair. Daisy’s hair, long and golden-brown and rich was the gift of her mother and her mother before her and probably from a line of women with the same beautiful hair going back to the holy woman Toypurina even, and past her to women whose names aren’t remembered. Hair like that is the miracle born of many, not just of one. Michelle poured herself a glass of wine and watched Teresa cut Daisy’s hair. We all have beautiful hair, she thought. It will be steel grey by the time we are forty, it will be a shame to cut it short, even though our mother had cut hers short, and the scent of flowers, all flowers that we pass by, stays in our hair for hours and that’s why those little hummingbirds follow us. Let our hair grow long, if only for our mother’s sake. The wind stirred, coming from far out on the Pacific Ocean, and took the scent of jasmine from the doorway up into the mountains along with the orange blossoms, the pomelo, the honeysuckle and the innumerable scents of growing things. In the vines and flowers, the white hummingbirds jostled and fought to feed, their wings buzzing and their tails popping with each warning dive, living as they always have, even before there were men and roads and buildings of stone. She did not think of the old man with the walker again.
- "Modern Times" by Wendy Taylor Carlisle
i. the name is a little thing someone else thinks of as a big thing but there you go collapsing their abomination to make it fit into your hand ii. anger simmers in the city sewers and in the county’s shallow wells handshake religion is gone along with provable facts most pumpkin filling isn’t all pumpkin but try Libby’s it’s slick as grandma’s otter there is often nothing for dinner despite our hunger and the polity longs for fame not serenity we hold the memory of who we were to our friends before the great sickness iii today’s godhead resembles a goat’s head elegant polar he knows it’s alright to overdress for a riot sunrise is a cavity in his yellow tooth his robes are layered like a tree-split moonrise the words of his prophecy are knives and hatchets masquerading as divination he carefully oils and sets them aside hung on pegs over his sideboard which resembles the Altiplano he fancies they will come in handy when he has to explain how he robbed us of divinity gave us cell manacles and a prisoner suit of humanness and why he hurls ice and lightning at us from the same sky Wendy Taylor Carlisle is the author of four books and five chapbooks. Se her work at www.wendytaylorcarlisle.com, Follow her @wtcarlisle.
- "Magical Thinking" by Travis Flatt
I wish I could enjoy the stars, but I waste time out here worrying. “Can you get my wife on my phone?” I ask mission control, but the relay takes at least twenty four hours. Sometimes a week. I wander through the pictures on my iPhone–a door knob, a stove, a dog in a window. I snap pictures whenever I leave my house to ensure everything is in place. Three blocks down the street–or three hundred million miles, in this case–I might want to be certain that I locked the door behind me on my way out or that I checked the stove eyes were switched “off.” I can look at the picture I took through the window of little Rosie inside and sleeping curled beside the couch in her usual spot. If I took the picture through the window, the dog has to be inside the house, right? Neptune soars by to my right, massive and blue and beautiful, like a godly teardrop flung aside into space and drifting forever. Well, until the sun explodes. But all I can think of are worse case scenarios: my stupid, damn Playstation 6 being burglarized by some deranged junkie who adds injury to insult by hurting Rosie, silencing her for barking in his desperate gathering of electronics to pawn. What if somehow while taking that picture, I accidentally hit the knob and turned a stove eye on, leaving it burning to grow hotter and hotter and hotter until it ignited some derelict crumb? Or it simply superheated the oxygen above–theoretically, that could happen–and combusted and torched the house with my Rosemary inside. You see, my wife was away when I left for the mission. She always goes to the beach or the mountains to drink mixed cocktails and pass the time with Romance novels and Hallmark movies while I’m away–stress killers. She feels abandoned and worried, though I did warn her about marrying an astronaut. My therapist calls this type of anxiety “magical thinking,” though she says my worrying isn’t as severe as OCD but is normal for anxious people. Magical thinking is expressed in habits like touching or placing objects and then associating this with unrelated consequences. For instance, a person might think, “If I don’t position the vase on the end table in a particular way before I go to sleep, my father will have a heart attack during the night.” That is an extreme example, but I worry that my paranoia could progress to this point. NASA doesn’t know that I see a therapist. I do it covertly, like a man buying drugs. I’d be barred from space if they learned the truth. It tipped when we got that beautiful little dog I mentioned. Ironically, Rosie was to chill me out around the house. We’re childless. But, I immediately became convinced I would forget and leave the door open and then face the unbearable consequences of having allowed such an adorable, defenseless thing slip out into the woods and wander alone to starve. I’ve already got the world to look after. My wife jokes I’m no longer the man she married but one with his “head in the clouds,” a “literal space cadet.” My job dictates that I think in math, so no Ativan, just yoga. *** I’ve passed the asteroid belt, and communication with Earth is limited. I only receive clipped sentences, possibly coded messages. What if I left the stove on and it started a fire that burned out of control and there is no Earth for me to return to? I should never have agreed to fly this mission alone. Should I just switch on the warp drive and zoom onward, hoping against the impossible odds that I’ll find a new world which I haven’t destroyed or hasn’t yet destroyed itself? Or maybe I’ll just smack back at Cape Canaveral, where I left from. No one really knows. We only speculate. No. I’m turning around. I have to go back. I forgot to check all the bathroom sinks. And, I never should have left unreliable Kaylee down the block in charge of feeding Rosie. And, how could I have forgotten to check the thermostat?
- "The Book Inside My Father" by Eugene O'Toole
My father always said he had a book inside him. As a child I had no idea what he meant, naturally being far more preoccupied with Meccano and tadpoles, although I remember well that wistful look of his from the desk in his study through the window to the shrubbery. He laboured on his writing in that dusty, gloomy room bisected only occasionally by a ray of sunshine, the shadow of the willow outside dancing upon his balding pate. Piles of paper with scrawled handwriting lay scattered about the place, presumably unfinished work, I now surmise. This is one of those memories from childhood that stay with us even though we do not know why. I recall in particular his expression beneath that anodyne suburban light, one of longing, something between determination and disappointment worn uncomfortably like an ill-fitting mask upon a face otherwise mostly jovial and ruddy. I know now that he must have been in pain. However, it was only much later, when I was called to the hospital to discuss the peculiarities of his case with the consultant surgeon, the august Mr Ferguson, that I was to find out what my father had really meant. He had a book inside him. Literally. “We call it tumor litterae, very rare,” Ferguson informed me after a formal preamble. “Sadly we got to him too late.” “Tumor litterae?” “Yes. I’ve only ever seen one case before, so I’m thinking of publishing a paper, about your father ... with your permission, of course. That’s why I asked you in. You’ll need to sign ...” The surgeon was getting ahead of himself. It was clear from his confident manner, his bushy eyebrows curling upwards in an arc that signalled a certain disdain for mere mortals, that he spared the great unwashed scientific why and wherefore and cut to the plebeian chase. But I wanted the full story. Chapter and verse. Something inside egged me on. “Doctor, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Please explain.” Ferguson tried to conceal a weary sigh, although I heard it at once. “The tumour. It was a book. I’ve kept it.” He reached down behind his desk and I heard the hollow suction of a bottom drawer opening before he straightened and placed a specimen jar in front of me with a triumphant smile. Of course, I was taken aback. There, amid yellowing formaldehyde, was suspended a small, leather-bound volume, about the size of a traditional missal. “Incurable, unfortunately,” continued Ferguson. “Has to be surgically removed otherwise it’s terminal. We don’t yet know what causes it. I’d like to conduct some tests. We’ll have to dissect the thing, inevitably.” I was still not thinking straight and agreed to everything, as one does when overwhelmed by sudden complexity in the presence of someone who appears to understand it. But fortunately the child in me remained stubborn enough to stamp his foot, albeit only gently. “Can I read it first?” Ferguson squinted with apparent irritation. He did not wish to share his specimen, after all, but soon relented. I suspect he knew that whatever he published at the end of the day would be so original, so unusual, that it would assure him his place in the pantheon. We agreed that I would be provided with a photocopy which, under the circumstances seemed appropriate. But as I was leaving, another question came to mind. I hovered at the door. “What happened? In the other case? You said there was another.” “Oh, yes,” replied Ferguson, already busying himself with paperwork, “we cut it out just in time. Managed to publish it, the lucky fellow. Bestseller. He rolled in a couple of years later fit as a fiddle and gave me a signed copy. I dipped into it on holiday in Cornwall. Jaunty tale, mostly biographical as far as I could tell.” We buried my beloved father, with considerable appreciation and many tears, beneath a willow in Hampstead. We had a tasteful scroll carved into the headstone with the epitaph, “He had a book inside him”. It was only later, now in fact as I sit and read the photocopy of his unfinished masterpiece in my peaceful studio bathed in light, that I can fully understand what he was getting at. It is probably congenital, this condition, for I have felt growing inside me an overpowering urge to write. I suspect I shall eventually have to make an appointment with Mr Ferguson.
- “about that blood” & “here comes” by Kyla Houbolt
about that blood but it does not make me think, it only repeats cleverly all the things. felt slippers. ugly but warm. so much of value like that, no shelf appeal, but hey, does the job. make of it what you can. all right I say here. this is what I make of our life together on this -- and now the selection of cliches rolls out in my inner eye: this rock, this lonely planet, this tiny ball in deep space, this hell. I go deep into the soil of it warming among roots who are my friends. yes we have lost much, they say, but not all. not all. that would be impossible. (Written after reading about climate activists throwing tomato soup on Van Gogh’s Sunflowers.) here comes massaging my melancholy with piano music, red berries, oats. the sharp stony peaks soften under moss imperceptibly. oh water oh rain, do what you're known for. any kitchen needs a recipe for a distinguished dark fruit cake. it says. my kitchen comes up wanting, no such recipe to be found. how loud the street sweeper, the leaf blower, after the rain. sweet singing in the choir. Kyla Houbolt's first two chapbooks, Dawn's Fool (Ice Floe Press) and Tuned (CCCP Chapbooks), were published in 2020. Tuned is also available as an ebook. Her work has appeared in Neologism, Barren, Juke Joint, Moist, Trouvaille Review, Janus, and elsewhere. Find her work at her linktree: https://linktr.ee/luaz_poet. She is on Twitter @luaz_poet.
- Review of john compton’s ‘the castration of a minor god’ by Kellie Scott-Reed
Truth. Your truth; mine. We have our versions, but for it to actually be the truth, we must first be honest with ourselves. In john compton’s ‘the castration of a minor god’, we get it; unvarnished, harsh, and beautiful. compton’s collection of poetry masterfully explores the connections between the manufactured and oppressive ‘truth’ of religion, and the holistic truth of who we are as human beings. He doesn’t hold back the reality or the brutality, but the language is a phoenix on the brink of rebirth. Fire feels important in his imagery, as a cleansing, sacrificial and purification rite. For example, in “the men who made bonfires’, he explores the torture and public shaming of two men, ‘when their secret is revealed’ and this rebirth is seen in the last line at the moment of their eventual murder: "they clothed them in fire, made them women in orange dresses dancing" compton explores familial relationships in beautiful and heartbreaking pieces like ‘aelena’, ‘rowland’ and ‘john'. There were times when I had to pause, and catch my breath. We have all been that child, an amalgamation of the trauma and pain of those who came before, as well as the love and filial loyalty with which we struggle to understand. These poems feel universal and therefore, very personal. He does a brilliant job of creating a human landscape that is complex and multi dimensional. In ‘the news slips off your tongue like hot soup’, for example, he invites us into the intimate moment of the realization of a parent’s imminent death, and the realization that they have reconciled long before this moment. It’s brilliantly executed but it’s hard, very hard. You will realize with compton’s work that there is no easy ‘out’. The only way to understanding, is through. Sex; blooming, curious, humorous and sometimes violent, is explored with an honesty that is liberating in this collection. compton enmeshes the ritual of church and the violence of the religious towards LGBTQ marriage and sexuality in general. In ‘your fear becomes holy’, and ‘mary’ for example, he is almost wondering aloud at the preposterousness of the dogma. Where the humorous turn around of religious mythos in ‘your fear becomes holy, 2’ and the idea of dildo as animal in ‘dog’ are the said ‘phoenix’ rising from the ashes. His poems lead you to and inside intimate experiences, ones you may recognize and others foreign to you, and you carry them with you for a while. My favorite poem of the collection (if that’s even possible) is ‘somehow the hips move wildly’. I just ask you to read it. I won’t tell you why I love it, it’s up to you to see what you think. But here is a line from it that has stuck with me and made me want to sit down at this computer and implore you to read this collection. ‘“you should agree with what dean young said about why we created god, there is a need to call people liars, you, reader, are a liar.” ‘the castration of a minor god’, is a collection of worth and you will learn something about yourself when you read it. If you write, it may make you go back and take a look at some of those half truths you’ve told yourself when you committed something to the page. To sum up my experience with this collection: I felt love when he asked me to, I felt inflamed when he willed it, and I understood a little more about what drives the human spirit against all odds. compton is telling us the truth, and I, for one, am grateful for it. Pre Order your copy at ghostcitypress.com/books/the-castration-of-a-minor-god john compton (b. 1987) is gay poet who lives in kentucky. he lives in a tiny town, with his husband josh and their 3 dogs and 2 cats. his poetry is a personal journey. he reaches for things close and far, trying to give them life: growing up gay; having mental health issues; a journey into his childhood; the world that surrounds us. he writes to be alive, to learn and to grow. he loves imagery, metaphor, simile, abstract language, sounds, when one word can drift you into another direction. he loves playing with vocabulary, creating texture and emotions. he has published 2 books and 5 chapbooks published and forthcoming: [books]: trainride elsewhere (august 2016) from Pressed Wafer; stranger in the attic of clouds (tba) from dead man's press inc; [chapbooks]: that moan like a saxophone (december 2016) from kindle; ampersand (march 2018) from Plan B Press; a child growing wild inside the mothering womb (june 2020) from ghost city press; i saw god cooking children / paint their bones (oct 2020) from blood pudding press; to wash all the pretty things off my skin (sept 2021) from ethel zine & micro-press. he has been published in numerous magazines and anthologies.
- “Got Milk?” By Wayne McCray
My girlfriend, Jolene, took it and ran with it, but I figured I should let her know. Too bad an argument ensued and it ended abruptly. She hung up. Her anger focused mostly on what I did and not our son's health and malnourishment. For the past two weeks, my newborn son cried; sometimes, throughout the day and at night. But not today, Milton, Jr., lay soundly asleep across my chest. His face fat and content, belly too. About an hour or so later, the front door flew open as fast as it shut. The loud noise disturbed my nap, but not his thankfully. I woke up slightly dazed, taking care to sit up and do it slowly. Eventually, I reclined and looked up at this beautiful but sour looking face. I couldn't make out her first words, but they became audible the more she spoke. Or, should I say curse. "What the fuck's wrong with you," Jolene said, standing above us. "Not so loud,” I said. "He's asleep, so lower your voice. Better yet, kill that attitude." I stood up just as slow so as not to wake him. Jolene tossed her hand purse on the sofa and stormed straight into the kitchen. She then proceeded to empty out the containers I told her about, pouring the milk down the kitchen sink drain, and doing it with emphasis. "Say! Don’t do that.” "I’m his mother. Me, not her." Jolene said. "Is this all of it?" "It is now." "You know I don't like her." "You can't let that go, can you?" Jolene spun and gave a frank look. She walked upfast and I expected her temper to explode. She never refrained from throwing a tantrum along with some well placed punches when the situation fit. I turned sideways in preparation for a few hard blows, but none came. "Hand him here," she said, reaching. My son fast asleep in my arms, but he squirmed a bit from suddenly being physically put adrift. The grin still on his face. His lips smacking, as if savoring a familiar and tasty flavor or experiencing one pleasant dream. "Now get out!" "Say what? I live here." "You heard me! Get out! First, you cheat on me and then endanger my child's life,” she said. “You're an asshole, you know that." "Cheated? Endangered?" “I bet you sat there and watched, didn’t you?" “I mean, of course. I've seen her breasts before.” Being straightforward didn't go over too well. I soon found myself standing outside the apartment in my basketball shorts, a tee-shirt, ankle socks, and sandals. The door reopened, but only momentarily, so she could toss out my wallet. I didn't bother banging on the door, but I should’ve. But why cause a scene? Better yet, why invite the police? Because nothing good will come from it. Instead, I picked up my wallet and walked off. I thought about going over to Henrietta's, but left the apartment complex altogether, and walked to Burger King to think. I knew I did the right thing – a good thing. I did what men ordinarily don't do;act responsibly for once. I solved a problem, but she resented how, knowing damn well there existed a scarcity of infant formula nationwide. Parents, like myself, throughout America must feed their babies sparingly. To think, newborns could literally die of starvation because of the lack of production doesn’t make sense. I hear it so often from news pundits about how bright the light shines on the hill. I mean, like, what the fuck? I now arrived at the Burger King, the lobby not as busy as the drive-thru, so I could take my time looking over the menu. I soon placed a food order to sit inside, paid for it, and then carried my tray of food to a window booth. I sat there, looking out on the world, while feasting on two double-meat sausages, egg, and cheese croissants, hash browns, and a large coffee. Thinking: Jolene's jealousy is clouding her judgment. Maybe, the idea of another woman nursing her child did it. But she, herself, refused to breastfeed our son based on supposed horror stories of nipple scarring and pain. Sure, her body, her decision; but damn, should it cost Milton Jr. his health? I just sat there, thinking, enjoying breakfast, and checking out those entering. ***** Last night, we both agreed that she would get up early and drive all over town to look for infant formula. Jolene figured the richer side of town could have some. Plus, she didn't think a six foot five black man would get as much sympathy and service as a woman. So, I should stay home, enjoy my Saturday off, and watch our son while she store hopped. After she left, a half an hour later, my son woke up wailing. No doubt hungry. So I lifted him out of the crib, tossed a towel across my shoulder, put him in my arms, and then offered him a warm sugar water bottle, which he often rejected. I wanted to save the last of the freshly made infant formula for later. Frustrated and unable to console him, I slipped on my sandals, pocketed the house keys, and then left, going to another apartment building until I reached D337. I rap-knocked on the door and waited. Then it swung inward. "Good Morning." Henrietta Greenwood, one curvy, plump, short, smart, white woman, pretty even when ordinary , stood in the doorway wearing a recognizable pair of lengthy Adidas basketball shorts and a gray t-shirt that ironically read, Got Milk. I met her several years back through a mutual friend and later learned we lived in the same residential apartment complex. Soon thereafter, we became romantically involved but remained friends, enjoying the benefits of being bed buddies rather than the push and pull related with a serious relationship. "Hey Mezz, what's up?" "Say? I need a big favor, but I'm not sure how you'll take it." "Depends on the favor." "Well? You're aware of the current baby formula shortage, right?" "I am, so what of it," she said. "It's not my problem. I breastfeed, you know that." "I know. That's why I came. I'm tired of feeding Milton Jr. watered-down formula and sugar water. Right now, Jolene is out driving all over town looking for Similac and Enfamil; and, I hope she finds some. I really do, because nobody knows how long this drought will last, and we need it badly. I'm just worried, you know. Afraid even. My son has been crying a lot. Not pooping and I don’t want to give him regular milk or Pet milk. Not yet." "So what do you want from me?" "Would you nurse him?" I asked. "That's why I am here." "Why should I?" "For me, Henrietta, please." "You should’ve called before you came," she said. "No, no, I couldn't." I said. "I'm not borrowing money. Something like this require a face-to- face." Henrietta stood there akimbo, shifting her posture, and playing with the door. I prepared for another cursing out and door slam, but as soon as those soft brown eyes and sneaky smirk looked up, I knew right then she made her decision. "And your old lady is okay with this?" "I don't know. I haven't told her yet." "Oh great," she said. "Mezz? Are you mad?" "No. Not really." I said. "But I'll tell her, promise. You know I will. You know me. I'm honest to a fault. But right now, I've had it up to here with his crying from hunger. He needs milk." "Okay, okay." "So you'll do it?" "Yes, I'll do it." Henrietta said. "But your girlfriend better not knock on my door." "She won't, promise." "Come on in." I arrived at feeding time. Henry lay in his playpen, tasting his foot. She picked him up and got situated on the couch, and then she lifted up her t-shirt and began feeding. Henrietta then beckoned for mine and I tucked him into her opposite arm and helped him latch on. Soon both boys lay face-to-face, each suckling on a tit. Neither fussed about the other's presence. I sat in the chair across from her, looking on happily. I almost got up and sat beside her, but changed my mind. Checking my emotions, thinking by doing so I could interrupt the bonding taking place. Milton Jr. fed much longer than Henry and without being told, I took hold of Henry. He gave a 'don't I know you look' as he stared at my black face with those big hazel marbles and fat grin. I circled the sofa repeatedly, carrying, and patting him on the back gently until he finally burped and puked. As I cleaned his mouth, I noticed the clock on the microwave, shocked at the time. "It's almost 10 o'clock. I've been here that long." "I guess," Henrietta said. "Say? Since you're walking around and being a good daddy, go look in the fridge. I have a large plastic juice bottle in there. It has a red lid. It's full of my breast milk. You can have it. Take it. I have plenty in the freezer." "No shit?" "No shit. I figured, why not. Give it to him. It won't go to waste." "What about Henry?" I didn't want to deprive him, but she clarified her kindness. Henrietta produced every two hours and could share, but for a short period. Two weeks, tops. By that time, the federal government, Abbott, Mead, and Nestle should have their act together and shelves restocked. "Damn, that often. No wonder he’s so big." Henrietta looked at me looking at her and blushed, a habit she couldn't get rid of whenever I turned her on. She soon hid her bosom, but did it slowly, and then we exchanged sons. "Look at him. He's smiling," I said, gently laying him against my toweled shoulder and repeating what I did before: patting his back to encourage burps. "My apologies for him being so greedy, but I'm grateful. Really I am." "It's okay. He's just like his daddy." "Really now?" I hung out a bit longer for further small talk and to snack on a pack of frosted Blueberry Pop Tarts for breakfast while both boys lay asleep in the playpen. After that, we embraced tightly and kissed. I soon left, promising Henrietta that I would let Jolene know what transpired. As soon as I returned home, I telephoned Jolene and shared the good news. The conversation quickly became lopsided. I argued my point that our child's health outweighed her jealousy, but she disagreed. "No! I didn't fuck her…Yes, Henrietta breastfed our child…So what! It's not like it's going to be permanent or anything." I said. "And she's willing to do it until formula becomes readily available…She even gave us some of her spare milk." Jolene hung up after that. ***** While I walked to Burger King, an upset Jolene called Bernice, her mother. Unknown at the time, I gained an advocate which likely caught her off guard. Her mom explained the role of wet nurses back in the day before the invention of powdered milk. How enslaved black women commonly breastfeed and cared for slaveholders' and wealthy white men's wives' children. Even poor white women and immigrants did it to supplement their income. Sometimes at their own child's detriment. "Mama? You're siding with him?" "On this," her mother said. "Yes, I am." "Really, Mama." "So let me ask you?" Bernice said. "What do you want him to do? "Not that." For an hour or two, mother and daughter debated; discussing several issues, both old and current. Milton, Jr. soon woke up, disrupting their talk, apparently hungry. Jolene told her mother goodbye. She opened the refrigerator and soon realized in her blind pride, she discarded the large plastic bottle of breast-milk and inadvertently tossed the infant formula Mezz made earlier. She looked down into the trash can and confirmed her stupidity. There, buried with all the other refuse rested an empty Enfamil can. Now Milton Jr., as before, rejected the warm sugar water bottle. Jolene sat down and tried to soothe him, but unsuccessfully. She looked at her own chest, but opted against any attempt at feeding him. She then scoured the apartment and car for forgotten unused infant formula, but nothing. She then wondered about Mezz's whereabouts after throwing him out without his phone. And then it hit her, she left her own apartment for Building D and made the deliberate walk up three flights of stairs. Jolene knocked on door D337. Soon the door opened and two women who shared the same man's love, stood before each other holding his son, looking at each other suspiciously. "Henrietta." "Jolene." "Is Mezz here?" "No," Henrietta. "He was earlier. I did a favor for him." "Yeah, yeah, you did. He told me." "Now, why are you here?" "I kind of overreacted and threw him out, along with the milk you gave. He doesn’t know I'm here." "Really?" Henrietta said. "You did that?" "I was mad. Mad at him, but I want to make it right." "I see." "So, from one mother to another: could you find it in your heart to help me out again?" "I'll think about it." Henrietta swiftly shut the door in Jolene's face. The sound of the lock latching could be heard while Milton Jr. continued his crying and she repeatedly knocked on the door, begging and apologizing. "Henrietta? Please. Please don't punish his son for my stupidity." Suddenly, the door unlocked and then opened. Henrietta thrusted at her a plastic grocery bag containing a few frozen packets of breast milk. She took it and looked inside. Thanks followed. Then, Jolene tried to offer Henrietta a hug, but faced outright rejection. "Just tell Mezz," Henrietta said. "Do that, okay. And let him know his promise lasted only four hours and he should do better. He'll know what I mean. Oh yeah? He's probably at Burger King, thinking, sucking up the soda machine. Bye, Jolene." The door closed. Jolene stood there misty-eyed. She then left Henrietta's building for her own, still feeling conflicted, but happy she could feed her son. As soon as she reached her building's floor, she recognized this lanky dark figure sitting beside the door, sipping on a large drink. Wayne McCray was born in East St. Louis, Illinois, in 1965, and grew up in Chicago until 1984. He attended Southern University A and M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He currently lives in Itta Bena, Mississippi, enjoying country life. His writings have appeared in Afro Literary Magazine, The Bookends Review, Chitro Magazine, The Ocotillo Review, Ogma Magazine, Pigeon Review, The Rush Magazine, and Wingless Dreamer.
- “Questions on the Reading” by Kate Deimling
1) Discuss the theme of butterflies. What do they represent? 2) What does this story tell us about the role soup/gender/usury plays in American society? (Choose one.) 3) Do you agree that the story was written in English? If not, what language do you think it was written in? 4) Without looking, how many characters are there in the story? 5) Must a story have a hero? 6) Was the story published shortly after it was written? Or do you get the feeling the author left it lying in a drawer for a very long time? 7) For what reasons was this story not written by Mark Twain? 8) If the first page of a story is about a woman character who is not being observed by a male gaze, do you think it was written by a woman? 9) “This story is suspended on a tightrope connecting the individual and society.” Agree or disagree? 10) At what age, if any, do you think you will pick this story up and read it again? 11) “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that every single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” In what way could this quotation be altered to apply to this story? 12) Did you eat or drink anything while reading this story? Why or why not? 13) In your opinion, why did the author of this story choose to remain anonymous? Do you think she/he will be identified in your lifetime? 14) If you live in a tropical climate, was it hard to imagine the snow and icy roads and icicles in this story? 15) According to U.S. law, is this story still subject to copyright? How do you know? 16) Okay, it’s not the same story, but we just have to ask: did Young Goodman Brown dream the witch-meeting? 17) Is it ironic that the widow loses her eyesight? Or is it just one of those things that happen to people when they get old? 18) Is it a comedy? Is it a tragedy? Explain the difference between the two in your answer. 19) Can this story be compared to the work of Edith Wharton? An auto-repair shop? A nebula? A spool of thread? 20) In what way was the ending a surprise, and in what way was it totally expected? Kate Deimling is a poet, writer, and French translator. Her work has appeared in I-70 Review, Ellipsis Zine, Waxwing, The Midwest Quarterly, and other magazines. She’s an associate poetry editor for Bracken and a flash fiction reader for Reservoir Road Literary Review. A native New Orleanian, Kate lives in Brooklyn.