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"Sitting in Front of Your Casket, Contemplating Family Dynamics Via Comic-Book Sound Effects" by Sharon Boyle

My daughter – your Wham-bam! granddaughter – has become an almost-stranger with her Bif-boom! attitudes and Kerpow! moods. The distance between us is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g elastic-thin wide the older she grows. My calm words and sensible attitudes Rip-Roaringly! rile her. 

She reminds me of me. When my tempers Kerranged! family meals. When I shouted ‘Splat!’ against your politics. When my views were a Whomp! Whomp! to your senses. When I called you in the middle of the night drunk and troubled, and you picked me up in the car; when you picked me up from my boyfriend’s house after a humdinger, flailing-fist fight; when your spidey senses detected I was trapped in Thwapping! deep low moods and you used your powers as a pick-me-up.

The almost-stranger comes and sits next to me on the pew, her Holy Mackerel! dress sense out in full Technicolor  force.

We stare at your casket. We contemplate. Her hand enfolds mine. 


She may not speak love but I hear it. And I hope throughout my Krassh! teenage years you, my Wow! Superhero, heard mine too.

Sharon’s short stories and flash pieces have been published on-line and in magazines including Flash 500, The Phare, Fictive Dream and Bath Flash Anthology. She likes making lists, banoffee pie and having a room of her own (at last!). She dislikes the fact that Sharons are becoming an extinct species. She tweets at @SharonBoyle50 and has a blog at


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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