"Jellyfish", "Fern, Essentially", "Writing My Will Without You"...by Robin Kinzer
"A Tub Poem", "Tied Down", "The Last War"..by Tom Mazur
"You Cry For Your Dearest" by Mark McConville
“Love Me Some Coyote”(After 'Coyote Dream II' by Karen Pierce Gonzalez)..by Kyla Houbolt
“A Lesson in Nonsense (Re)defined” by Rachel Canwell
"Snapshot" by Karen Pierce Gonzalez
“8 Short Poems” by Marc Isaac Potter
"Gold Watch Fever" & "Corporate Restructuring" by R. Gerry Fabian
"Crossings" & "Blank" by Leticia Priebe Rocha
"Caved Silhouettes" & "Forever More" by Rob Azevedo
“A Woman Witnesses Velvet Shedding” & “Chronic Pain” by Candice Kelsey
"Clover" by Jerome Berglund
"Fish Supper" & "Watching Dr. Zhivago with my Daughter" by Adele Evershed
"Swimming as Allegory for Living" & "Scar" by Allison Thung
“Magic Theatre Poetry Reading” & “Springtime (Ada by the Shore)” by Lorelei Bacht
"Momentarily Neither Here Nor There. Until We Are." by Laura Cooney
“Jane in the Kitchen” by Jessica Berry
"Pearl Divers" & "Madame Laveau, Fortune Teller and Police Psychic, has a Vision" by Jason Ryberg
“The Misericordias” by Steve Passey
"The American Beauty at Sunset", " Of Drunk Turkeys and Dead Squirrels"...by Victoria Leigh Bennett