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Jul 21, 20245 min read
"Monday Morning Quarterback" by Garrett Berberich
A freshly cut rose stood between the smiling couple, droplets of water clinging to its rigid stem. They reached across the corner table...

Jun 9, 202412 min read
"Yellow Skies & Lavender Tissues" by A.C. Francis
At seventy-one years of age, Robert wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to climb to the top of the tower. His inhaler sat on the dresser of...

May 12, 20247 min read
"The Kitchen" by Isabel Crabtree
It was the first really cold morning of the season, the sun was bright, the air crisp. When it was time to leave the cocoon of her cozy,...

Mar 17, 20247 min read
"Sabertooth" by S. Z. James
At that time, I was eating pretty poorly. I’d go down to the stand on the corner and get a hot dog once every couple of days and I’d eat ...

Jan 21, 20246 min read
"I Airdropped My Pussy to Everyone in This Airport" by V Garmon Koski
It took one misclick. As a checker and rechecker I let the impulse to recheck go just once. And in one fell swoop, I airdropped my pussy...

Jan 7, 202412 min read
"A House of Sticks" by Lisa Rodriguez
The first time she heard the baby crying was in the morning. Like a stampede of infant feet, the wails of high-pitched noise overwhelmed...

Jan 7, 202412 min read
"Mise en Place" by Rick White
1 I’m trying to remember the last time I actually spoke to Craig. I’ve got a text on my phone which reads: Mate! At a wedding and I think...

Nov 12, 202310 min read
"Terms and Conditions" by M. Rose Seaboldt
By lunchtime, Ollie had processed thirteen 1085 forms, seven 91B forms, and opened two new case files. He saved his current work (an 89C...

Nov 12, 202310 min read
"The Birthday Party" by Ken Foxe
The eyes of the two brothers met across the crowded room; each glancing briefly at the other, an unbridgeable chasm of two lives gone in...

Sep 3, 202312 min read
"The One Alone" by Victoria Leigh Bennett
Pietro Brown was his name; when you were first getting to know him, and queried the Italo-English name, he’d just shrug, say something to...

Aug 20, 20238 min read
"World on Fire" by Juliette Adair
If you’re ever going to amount to anything, said Dad, you’d better The phone rang and interrupted him, but Emma knew what he was going to...

Jul 9, 20232 min read
"Same Old Story" & "Why You Should Never Read Women’s Magazines to Find Love…" by Amy Marques
Same Old Story She hadn’t been looking for love. That’s what everyone says, she knows. But really, she hadn’t. She had side-stepped love....

Jun 25, 202318 min read
"Restoration" by Gavin Turner
Please forget about my name. It’s Constance Bytheway. I always felt like I stole it from an old lady when I was born. Perhaps, in time, I...

Jun 11, 20236 min read
"Sundries and Forevers" by Sam Milligan
There’s a fire somewhere over the ridgeline and the river hasn’t frozen like it usually does this time of year and the line at Fred and...

May 28, 202312 min read
"Blue" by Mea Felder
A feather like quality, a child’s cruelty. Holding the prejudice of the adult— of a burden to fat to carry in their little arms, they...

May 28, 20233 min read
"Summer Days and Winter Nights" by Kevina Wright
I try to look cool like the girls I’ve seen you drive around before. Trying to pretend the sweat beading my forehead is my natural dew...

May 13, 20236 min read
"How I Learned To Love My Busted Grill" by Bud Sturguess
America's greatest First Daughter, the lovely Chelsea Clinton, graced the bedroom wall of every teenage boy from my generation. She was,...

May 13, 20234 min read
"Mother and Child" by Richard Stimac
For the first few years, when his father and Addie went to the Barracks, his father would stop by the welcome center and ask a volunteer...

Apr 2, 20233 min read
"Maestro" by Johan Alexander
The last time I saw Tango Master was downtown in front of Veracrúz Church. A busted gramophone sputtered on the sidewalk in front of the...

Mar 5, 20239 min read
"Self Loathing" by Danica Popovic
“There’s hardly anything left. It won’t be long before it’s just your eyes,” Belle said, holding the sides of my head and examining my...
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