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Jan 42 min read
"Habitat" by Scott Cumming
Her new habitat had been untouched for years. Decades, perhaps. The fauna orgiastically entwined around her form. Brittle branches...

Sep 24, 20241 min read
"The Secretary of State for the Heavens" by Simon Ravenscroft
One day the sky turned red and the public blamed it on the new Secretary of State for the Heavens. On the contrary, said the Secretary of...

Aug 4, 20241 min read
5 Six-word stories by Cheryl Rebello
Longing She wants a mother. Her brother’s. Caveman Two stones. Fire make. Hot, hot! Sonography Two hands. Two feet. Two horns. Hiccups...

Feb 18, 20241 min read
"I Finished the Renovations on The Victorian Terraced House Right Before Kurt’s Funeral" by Katie Coleman
While the lads Kurt used to play football with raised their glasses to toast his life, I hammered a For Sale sign into the lawn. My...

Aug 6, 20232 min read
"The House Ghosts All Read the Time Traveler’s Wife and..." by Janna Miller
The House Ghosts All Read the Time Traveler’s Wife and Now Have Something They Want to Tell You The morning ghosts are subtle and...

Jul 9, 20231 min read
"Wanted- Well-Mannered Ghost To Haunt Brooklyn Apartment" by Luc Diamant
I (23F) am looking for a ghost (M/F/NB, 21-99 at time of death, dead for <50 years) to haunt a 3-bedroom 3rd-floor apartment in Flatbush....

Jul 9, 20232 min read
"Same Old Story" & "Why You Should Never Read Women’s Magazines to Find Love…" by Amy Marques
Same Old Story She hadn’t been looking for love. That’s what everyone says, she knows. But really, she hadn’t. She had side-stepped love....

Jun 11, 20232 min read
"Stu" by Tim Craig
What I should have said to him that night on the bridge is Don’t let go, but what I actually said is Do it and whether he would have done...

Mar 5, 20231 min read
"You will not always have a warning these sudden, deadly floods are coming" by Jackie Morris
Every night Mother leaves a bath-towel by the kitchen fire, in case Oliver finds his way home. ‘He must be chilled to the marrow,’ she...

Jan 22, 20231 min read
"ditch locket" by Monique Quintana
Crow abandoned the snow for another time, for leaves growing and horizontal. He walked until he came to a chinampa floating in the...

Dec 11, 20223 min read
“The Sweet Softness of Dates” & “Between Springtime and Night” by Kathryn Silver-Hajo
Sweet Softness of Dates She sits in her wicker chair, the one painted bright green because that’s how she likes it. She lets the sweet...

Oct 30, 20221 min read
"Defying Gravity" by Fiona McKay
On the way home from the funeral, I drive past the guardrail where the accident took place, the striped tape flickering in the wind. I...

Sep 5, 20222 min read
"The Music Teacher" & "The Missing Spice" by Sarvin Parviz
The Music Teacher For Negar Ighani We stood in a circle, patted our chests and thighs, sang and jumped then clapped. We rained, jumped...

Aug 22, 20221 min read
"The itchy dress" by Karen Pierce Gonzalez
The itchy dress and the rented colonial manor are ill-suited. Which is to say, they are not the right fit. Still, she stands obedient on...

Jul 24, 20222 min read
"Chauffeur" by John Riley
On the way to the airport on the edge of the city, he had asked the driver to pull over. He needed a break, just a moment, from so much...
Apr 3, 20222 min read
"Cheap Beer, Madden and Hold 'em", "Active Shooter 101"... by Matt McGuirk
CW: references to violence Cheap Beer, Madden and Hold ‘em How would I have known there was so much more, just a kid with a 30 rack of...
Mar 20, 20222 min read
"Seven-year itch and other urban myths" by Slawka G. Scarso
'I didn't even want to come,' I moan. I walk up and down the beach, my bikini already dry, stopping to look at the burns covering my...
Mar 6, 20221 min read
"Boy Clouds of Xquic", "I Forget You", and "Saturns" by Monique Quintana
Boy Clouds of Xquic If she stays too long in the sea, she will see all her son’s bedroom wash by, shaking the trees. She heard he waited...
Jan 2, 20221 min read
"At Dupar’s Café" by Dylan Willoughby
He sat in an all-night diner. A waitress who resembled Bela Lugosi crept then flew towards him. He was reading Ibsen, which he regretted....
Dec 19, 20212 min read
"The Hygge Paradox" by Mileva Anastasiadou
He says we’re stressed, exhausted, I say that’s true but that’s life, he ponders, I don’t like life, he says, while he loves life, but...
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