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"The Secretary of State for the Heavens" by Simon Ravenscroft

One day the sky turned red and the public blamed it on the new Secretary of State for the Heavens. On the contrary, said the Secretary of State for the Heavens by way of learned contra-interjection, the sky has turned red because of the previous Secretary of State, I am just having to deal with the consequences of her inactions but believe me I will do so vigorously and find a solution. Also I am very virile. Time passed and eventually people forgot that the sky was ever blue rather than red. They even began to enjoy the warm red glow that the new red sky cast over everything. So much of our world had previously seemed so cold and unwelcoming, they thought to themselves. But the Secretary of State for the Heavens persisted quietly in his plan to solve the Red Sky Problem until many years later on a cool November morning the sun rose and suddenly the sky was blue again. Needless to say there was general outrage and the Secretary of State was summarily dismissed for allowing the sky to turn blue on his watch. He was replaced with an even newer Secretary of State for the Heavens who promised that she would work vigorously to turn the sky red again and so restore that enervating warmth so beloved of this society for so long.

Simon Ravenscroft is a Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge.


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