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"A Chosen Permanence" by Brenna Ebner
I step into my gynecologist's office. I didn’t even know they had ones for consultations. I assumed they only worked in rooms with...
Sep 3, 20244 min read

"Like a Bat Out of Hell" by Jane Bloomfield
Anyone who’s ever done high school art has painted the full moon dripping a sad candle of yellow wax-light back to a dark flat earth...
Jul 7, 20242 min read

"When the What Ifs Turn into Nows" by Maud Lavin
What if I stayed up as late as I wanted to every night and slept in as late as I wanted to each morning. What if I wrote an eco-novella...
Jun 23, 20243 min read

"Four Seasons that Could be Poems" by Brittany Thomas
Two (or Three) Bedroom Apartment, Winter Someone finally figured out what to do with that apple whisky – mix it with cider, apple on...
May 12, 20244 min read

"Moments in Seashells" by Andrea Damic
Inspired by the painting Beklemek (meaning: to wait), by Müfide Kadri (Turkey), 1890-1912 we feel it on our skin / the silvery powder...
May 4, 20242 min read

It was raining when I gutted the shed, crystal balls swinging from spider’s webs long vacated, crusty arachnid shells punctuating graves...
Feb 4, 20242 min read

"Eye Opener" by JD Clapp
He’d pushed his cart to the 6:00 a.m. bar, just down the dirty boulevard, to escape the cold, and the dark clouds building out east and...
Feb 4, 20241 min read

"mockingbird resplendent" by yadriel v. s. alvarez
entry #1 - november 29th she has been following me, Journal. when I turn my head I can sometimes catch a glimpse of her. I don't know...
Jan 7, 20247 min read

"Preserving Ecosystems" & "My Fading Reds" by Tejaswinee Roychowdhury
Preserving Ecosystems Three generations—one of each, huddled around the living room at evening tea, our ancient shawls against the...
May 28, 20232 min read

"Lactic Acid" by Jenny Wong
Overseas. I lie awake again. Attempt to reconcile the hollows of old debts. I think of inheritance. Parents. Grandparents. The way my...
May 28, 20231 min read

"Mrs. Hasty’s geese", "Part-time protester" & "The light of others" by Derville Quigley
Mrs. Hasty’s geese We swung into Hasty’s yard in our Datsun Bluebird, holding the car door shut with baler twine. My granny swapped soap...
May 13, 20232 min read

"What Scares A Mountain" by Tejaswinee Roychowdhury
I am a snow-capped mountain, my flesh—old Himalayan terrain. Weathering winds from the poles I lay barren—uprooting seeds before they can...
Jan 22, 20231 min read

"We need the rest to scour the sea" by Leslie Cairns
I’m weird, I say into saltine-air: dry, and untasting. I forget what I used to like to do, when I’d envelop boys and come back for more,...
Dec 26, 20222 min read

“Summer School: 19” & “Summersalt” by Ruby Rorty
Summer School: 19 The summer I learned to swim I also learned that one can survive three sticky months on popsicle melt and Lou Reed....
Aug 22, 20222 min read

"Red and Green Apples" by Faiza Bokhari
The plane swayed a little, and Leena steadied herself against the small bathroom sink. The ground beneath her felt sticky. Her reflection...
Aug 7, 20226 min read

"Still Life with Frying Pan, Fight, and Flower Pot" & "Mr. S" by Frances Klein
Still Life with Frying Pan, Fight, and Flower Pot How beautiful it is to break an egg into the waiting pan to repot a plant grown too...
Jul 10, 20222 min read
“Snorkmaiden” by Tom Snarsky
I spent $100 on pizza and gas today. It was nice pizza and regular gas. I don’t really have $100 to spend in this way because I owe a lot...
Apr 17, 20221 min read
"The Balloon Artist," & "The Farmer and the Alien" by Tanya Sangpun Thamkruphat
The Balloon Artist For many years, I was a clown traveling and performing with an infamous circus company. I enjoyed sparking smiles and...
Apr 3, 20222 min read
"Re:Vision" by Howie Good
Among the few items on the store shelves were jars of contaminated baby food, flags of no known country, and slippers made of bubble wrap...
Nov 28, 20211 min read
"New York, A Town That Is Swell" by Stephen Snowder
New York is a town that contains many people. The people are like rats, except instead of tails they have no tails and instead of four...
Nov 14, 20213 min read
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