Inspired by the painting Beklemek (meaning: to wait), by Müfide Kadri (Turkey), 1890-1912
we feel it on our skin / the silvery powder beneath our bare feet / we sit across a tiny secluded strip of beach, further afield from prying eyes / the tall coniferous canopy offering much-needed shade / it’s like walking on silky blankets of spongy moss / the rock formation protruding through the iridescent dunes of sand / we breathe the poignant air enriched with the smell of salt as the tide kisses the shore / observing the rollers of aquamarine showing off their force / enjoying the quiet in our favourite sequestered nook / Remember when I first caught glimpses of you!? / all kitted out in a SCUBA gear unit / emerging from the depths of this Neptunian world you admire so much / our eyes briefly met and you smiled / the mystical smile of contentment with life / you taught me to love the sea / the terrifying power of it / even when it took you away from me / and how do I not / it’s where I feel closest to you / Nautilus you bequeathed to me, ohh… the beautiful pearly shell you found half buried in this sheltered alcove I call by your name now / it helps me on the days like these / on the days when memories of you are too overwhelming to bear / when sounds of the ocean grow too familiar to tolerate / the weight of their reign too heavy to carry / when saline air burns cilia at the back of my nose… and once silky sand grains wedge themselves in the creases of my skin / an aide-mémoire to the love once lived / when all my senses scream for you / I put Nautilus up to my ear and the world gets quiet… shhh…. just the gentle hum of your breath caressing my soul / and I feel at peace / if only for a minuscule moment in time