"Time" by Hannah Therese Drury
"Shelters of Change" & "Stretch" by Ryan Keating
"Collecting Artificial Parts" by Gabby Gilliam
"Portrait of the Lone Traveller" by Frank Njugi
"Guilt", "Tyrant" & "Destinations" by S.C Flynn
"Night Walking" by Maud Lavin
"Tears of Loss" by Andre F. Peltier
"SABLE" & "SAN SABLE" by Muhammed Olowonjoyin
"Renewal" by Gareth Greer
"Children" by S.F. Wright
"I Think I Could" & "A Former Friend Said" by Anayancy Estacio
"The One That Never Got Away" by Aishwarya Jha-Mathur
"Treading Water" by Natalie Nee
"First Nights" by Robin Arble
"Misandry" & "The Plan" by Shannon Deep
"the evidence he left"& "Annuals//Annals" by Rebecca N Herz
"Origami" & "He Leads Us Into The Depths" by Adrian Harte
"Her Last Room" & "blades" by M.R. Mandell
"Someday" & "Seeing White Horn Brook" by Andy Perrin
"Poetry Reading (Explanation 1)" & "Hollow Notes" by R. Gerry Fabian