"Won't Let You Come To Nothing" by georgë kear
"b-side" by Valeria Turp-Balazs
"Time", "Excitement Equals", & "The Find" by Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon
"Time is a Yellowing Thing" by Eric Subpar
"I Waited for An Ice Age", "Concerning Thursday", "Between his legs" & "Meat Raffle" by Ewen Glass
"Everything that’s influenced my work/me (After Rosemary Mayer)" by Tara Giancaspro
"Defeated Bulbs" by Andrew Buckner
"Ever the Twain" by James B. Nicola
"Sonnet for a Real Slag","Classy Birds", "Eating In", "Subchorionic Hematoma" & "After Swimming" by Katie Beswick
"Found", "Nothing" & "All Things" by Allison Thung
"Shadow Boxers" & "In the Leaving" by James Lilliefors
"My Side of The Bed" by Tim Moder
"The Irony in Feeling Small and Seeing a Shrink" by Nicholas Grooms
"Reincarnation", "We Don't Always Choose who We Love", "The Passing of the Night", "Copperhead", & "It's Hard to Do Right by Everyone" by Steve Passey
"High Desert", "Love Poem on a Glacier", & "Fifth Water" by Melissa Jean
"supermoon aubade", "unraveling" & "eucalyptus" by Elle Cantwell
"This One's For Us" by Terri Linn Davis
"We Were Twisted Ladders" & "The Hollows for the [Motherless] Stars" by Leslie Cairns
"Little Ghost" by Jess Levens