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"Winter Words" by Joseph Lezza

There’s something beautiful

about December,

as she slinks from the sun.

And, we climb to our roofs

with cracked knuckles and chapped

lips, to fumble with knots

to untangle our light

to banish the dark.

Joseph Lezza is a writer in New York, NY. Holding an MFA in creative writing from The University of Texas at El Paso, his work has been featured in, among others, Variant Literature, The Hopper, Stoneboat Literary Journal, West Trade Review, and Santa Fe Writers Project. His debut memoir in essays, "I'm Never Fine," is due out February 2023 from Vine Leaves Press. When he’s not writing, he spends his time worrying about why he’s not writing. His website is and you can find him on the socials @lezzdoothis.


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