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"on what a negroni could taste like", "it’s a terrible life!" & "Michael, I—" by Erica Leslie Weidner

on what a negroni could taste like

i think a negroni tastes like sweat / i think a negroni tastes like blood i mean come on it looks like blood watered down & poured over ice with an orange peel on the rim / i think a negroni tastes like tears / i think a negroni tastes like nyx liquid suede lipstick in the shade kitten heels / i think a negroni tastes like regret / i think a negroni tastes like i need to switch to water tonight / i think a negroni tastes like vomit / i think a negroni tastes like a gay bar & i mean gay not lesbian because i imagine that they would taste different / i think a negroni tastes like forgetting / i think a negroni tastes like the phone camera flash going off in a warm dark nightclub / i think a negroni tastes like pain / i think a negroni tastes like tucking a dollar bill into a man’s jockstrap & catching a glimpse of his cock / i think a negroni tastes like real love / i think a negroni tastes like a bar where the lights are all red on the inside / i think a negroni tastes like pee / i think a negroni tastes like forgetting that i peed but knowing that i did pee because i don’t have to pee anymore / i think a negroni tastes like hope / i think a negroni tastes like my friends groping each other behind my back on the dance floor / i think a negroni tastes like jealousy / i think a negroni tastes like sending a text to my lover that says i love you / i think a negroni tastes like water.

it’s a terrible life!

Dean Winchester is driving a Toyota Prius. Dean Winchester is listening to NPR Morning Edition. Dean Winchester is wearing a Bluetooth headset. Dean Winchester is eating salad. Dean Winchester is talking about spreadsheets. it’s okay, though, because by the end of the 40 minutes Dean Winchester will be Dean Winchester again. it’s all a joke played by an angel after all. no one really drives a Toyota Prius and listens to NPR Morning Edition and wears a Bluetooth headset and eats salad and talks about spreadsheets. no one really lives a life so empty of purpose, so devoid of monsters. such lives are jokes played by angels, jokes i try to find the humor in it as i drive to work in the morning. when the 40 minutes are up it will be over and i too will get to commune with angels and send demons back to Hell. when the 40 minutes are up it will be over and i too will be Dean Winchester.

Michael, I—

Michael, I saw you around the pooldeck before but I never noticed much until you set your towel down next to mine at the last home swimmeet of the summer. Michael, I think it’s a horrible miracle that we never talked before now cause we’ve got the same sense of humor when it comes to pranking our teammates. Michael, I want to watch the freestyle relays later if you’ll save me a spot on the steps to the brown waterslide. Michael, I wonder if you’re flirting with me when you offer me some veggiestraws from the bag you bought at the snackbar. Michael, I might be flirting with you too. Michael, I think I am.

​​Erica Leslie Weidner is based, in New Jersey, and based in New Jersey. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of underscore_magazine. When she's not writing, she's at her day job doing badass librarian stuff. 


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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