“7,000 acres of incinerated forest" & "juno, soaring" by Síofra Inessa
"The Middle Distance", "A Shipwreck", & "In My Hometown, We Had a Scene" by Sara Dobbie
“Fort Lauderdale Coriander” by Lose Touch Completely
"Dictionary Definitions", "London’s Daughter", "B (B) A"&...by JP Seabright
"poem for the ghost of who i thought i was" & "all history is the history of failure" by John Sweet
"Chemtrails" by Kelsi Lindus
“Findley Lake”, “Khraugnbin Concert, 2022”, & “My Mind’s Forbidden Animals” by James Croal Jackson
3 Poems by Dave Serrette
"Gabi | Night" By Sylvia Santiago
“My Brain Tells Lies and My Body Is At War” by Margot Stillings
“The Gathering” by Leila Tualla
“Lawrence Welk Rerun” by Timothy Direlle Batson
“Virgo Season” by Jarrod Campbell
“Acting My Age”& “A Momentary Crossing” by Bonnie Meekums
"Man Turns Forty (Throws Pity Party)" by Benjamin Drevlow
"Worms and Gods" by Sebastian Vice
"Ornithomancy with Rain & Flying Geese" & "How I Wish To Be Fine Crystal" by Cassandra Whitaker
"Our Species: A Bio-Note of Homo Sapiens", "Birthplacing"...by Yuan Changming
“I have called you by name, you are mine” by Kelsi Lindus
"Life in the Bathroom" by Nolcha Fox