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“A Lesson in Nonsense (Re)defined” by Rachel Canwell

Grab a pen, write this down. Ink it before you forget.

Nonsense is:

The things people shout when they know they are wrong.

The things people scream when they know you are right.

Anything politicians utter. Anytime. Ever.

More than half the things written on a local Facebook page

All attempts to capture the colours of a broken heart.

The concept of complete unconditional love.

The texture of shattered dreams, taped over at the cracks.

Sentences that start with ‘Never’ ‘Always’ or ‘Should’

The reasons you do.

The reasons you don’t.

Every single thing you are convinced that you know.

Rachel Canwell is a writer and teacher living in Cumbria. Her debut flash collection ‘Oh I do like to be’ will be published by Alien Buddha in July 2022.. Her short fiction has been published in Sledgehammer Lit, Pigeon Review, Reflex Press, Selcouth Station and The Birdseed amongst others. She is currently working on her first novel. Website - Twitter - @bookbound2019


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