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"A Song of Berea, Kentucky" by David Harrison Horton

The washing machine made noises

as it spun its cycles.

This added life

to the quiet house.

Any guitarist with a soft shell case

does not tour much.

The luggage carousels at airports

eat guitars.

Choi Seung-ja gave little room to sentiment;

she was all business.

The prom committee broke down

over the color

of ribbons.

Rainbows, they decided, were not appropriate.

David Harrison Horton is a Beijing-based writer, artist, editor and curator. He is author of Maze Poems (Arteidolia) and the chapbooks Pete Hoffman Days (Pinball) and BeiHai (Nanjing Poetry). He edits the poetry zine SAGINAW.


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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