After all
After four months of trial
after the episode
after listening devices are planted
after working their way up to the Earth's surface
after years of bailouts, crises and economic struggle
after 11 p.m.
after days of observation
after returning from Vietnam
after 13,981 performances
after a brief introductory recording and some hours of gameplay
after 9/11
after the floodwaters rose
after four years of working night shifts
after four decades playing in thrash metal bands
after the opening of Interstate 40
after hearing from parents
after a fight
after nearly 20 years as a fugitive
after a sand dune collapsed on top of him
after hours
after Friday Shabbat dinners
after babies are born
after you break up
after getting married
after the Tower of Babel
after long being unemployed
after contract negotiations stalled
after the footage was released
after playing and dancing in circles
after a workout at a track
after winning
after much speculation
after middle-class Americans
after a brief chapter
after more years of war
after they used another EpiPen
after the rocket broke apart
after the all-clear
after the oath
after it opens back up
after high school
after we hear the first few shots and the video ends.
Doing Wall Sits Today
It all happened mighty fast. We got pregnant in Europe in April and by August we’d gotten married, found new jobs, sold our houses and packed up all our stuff. Yes, I also turned 40. Yes, I now must do novel stretches and slow strength-building exercises for obscure muscle groups that wreak havoc on the old body if neglected. Though I am still a bohemian, a baby takes up a lot of time. We have a rental house near Baldwin Vista with a grand view of the whole sprawling waste. It’s odd but I can’t seem to turn away. You might appreciate the neighbors' deranged conversations with their schizoid hallucinations. Of course one day we’ll bring the family to NYC, or just tell us where your Subaru is parked and we’ll airdrop some cakes and narcotics to get you through the cold mountain night.