And what came from all that we had / I stay cocooned in piano keys, waiting for someone to come and bring music to me, even though I have the tools / the keys remain untouched and so do I / the piano stays in the desolate part of the room in an even more desolate house / beyond this house is something in which I cannot comprehend /
Please never let me get sentimental
Keep all of my fundamentals confidential
There is always
an ebb and flow
of being okay
Yesterday I almost broke down—
crying – on the way to the store
And by night fall
I was king of my bedroom
The Devil Comes Around In The Winter
My robe rests in downtown cities;
To attain full peace is deemed far away
My robe rests in Brussels;
Where chocolates are formulated to induce great pleasure in the people
My robe rests in the plains of Alberta;
Where I dream to travel to like it’s not a big deal
My robe rests in cold fruit
Where cold fruit replaces warm fruit; I don’t feel like throwing it back up
My robe rests in government offices;
Where I don’t have to be there to take a handout
My robe rests in the Middle East;
Where I can be sent back to see how traditional the work can be
My robe rests in old tax forms;
Where I am scared to move forward; it is easier to fall down than to stand up
My robe rests in the disease of the left side of my body;
I get palpations from thinking because I have too many speeding tickets
Should I choose to indulge,
Would you stop me before it's too late?
Should I choose to inject lead,
Would you shove erasers down my throat?
Should I choose to give it all up for that girl,
Would you take me to the park to do something else?
Should I choose to reach for hell,
Would you grab my wrists and pull?
Should I choose to lay in smoke,
Would you throw water on me or gasoline?
Would you leave me for something better,
Should I promise not to cry about it?
It doesn't matter
If I run out of mints now-
I'll sleep good tonight
But things won’t be fresh
At all