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"And So I Lay" by David Henderson

And so I lay.

Off lively path.

Driftin' in et out of day,

Last and lonely sound, my laugh,

Come the Raven, blackest of wings

Claws cave, dig through cornea

Flags of lost kings

Rip, rip, rip the retina

Claws cave, dig through cornea

Cut away the colours,

Rip, rip, rip the retina

Embrace new cold, dark Mother

Cut away the colours,

Come the Raven, blackest of wings

Embrace new cold, dark Mother

Flags of lost kings

And so I lay.

Off lively path.

Driftin' in et out of day,

Last and lonely sound, my laugh,


Ah a guest, royal beetle,

Travel across the skin,

In et out the leg quickly needle

Lay the ground for its kin,

Travel across the skin,

Map the strach and wound

Lay the ground for its kin,

Awake the haunted tune

Map the strach and wound

Ah a guest, royal beetle,

Awake the haunted tune

In et out the leg quickly needle

Last and lonely sound, my laugh,

Driftin' in et out of day,

Off lively path.

And so I lay.

Degrade, degrade, degrade

Consciousness gone,

Deepest sea of which to fade,

Now the restless song,

Degrade, degrade, degrade,

Consciousness leaving, mind gone,

Deepest sea of which to fade,

Now the restless song,

Consciousness leaving, mind gone,

The dirt the only warmth,

Now the restless song,

Fall, fall, fall

The dirt my only warmth,

Degrade, degrade, degrade,

Fall, fall, fall

Deepest sea of which to fade

Last and lonely sound, my laugh,

Driftin' in et out of day,

Off lively path.

And so I lay.

David Henderson is a young poet, currently a junior in high school. Born in Santa Fe, NM, and raised in Flint, MI, David has been published in the Paramanu Pentaquark VII and the Quilted Voices collection. His work often draws from a passion for folklore, film, and fantasies of nature.


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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