Beach sandwiches
thrown together from what’s in the car
“It’s fairly basic,” she says
an excuse of sorts
And yes, back in the fridge
we left a range of ingredients
to dress up this impromptu lunch
But I can’t help wondering how close
- and how many - in either direction
are those who would drool
at cream cheese on bakery bread
fresh from the oven this morning
Let alone the chance to eat it on
a beach at their chosen pace
‘cause there’s nowhere to rush to
With the corn chips we add for crunch
it’s basically beach gourmet
We are feasting here
Central Otago, New Zealand
May I ask you something, mountain?
Why were you given that title
so long after you were first named?
It’s not that I’m complaining
I just want to understand
Who it is that’s aspiring, and to what?
I’m glad, let me emphasise
that it’s not the surname
of a presumptuous explorer
Some fabled ‘discoverer’ whose
discovery was a mountain
already gifted a name
So when he looked on Tititea, surveyed -
for indeed, he was a surveyor -
the glistening peak that inspired it
what brought to his mind aspiring?
Did he aspire to ascend you
to take a close look at your shining summit?
Or did he think your peak
was reaching for the heavens
aspiring to be one with the sky
Joined with the myriad stars
of a breathlessly still southern night?
Or did he perhaps, like me
aspire to gaze on you all through
the day, until night hid you
beneath its twinkling blanket
and granted him
a few hours’ rest from gazing?
The Māori name for Mount Aspiring is Tititea - “glistening peak”
The margins…
… where so many in society dwell
where every day can become a fight
for another day
Hand to mouth; some days an empty hand
So there’s nothing to give
in a material sense to relationships
Is that why Jesus hung out there?
Because to be on the margins
is to see humanity as it really is
All its desperate rawness and vulnerability
To see kindness that costs the giver
but is given anyway, by choice
To see real…
For some, giving is nothing
but an extra entry on the tax return,
something more to be reclaimed
Is it time to redefine
… the margins?