Concrète Dasein
What if Dasein encompassed the theoretical
And the concrete? What if Dasein is
A type of alien music? What if Dasein was spiritual?
Syllabic Idyllic
Harsh IED implosions rocket across
The asemic syllabic skyline
Leaving priestly Latin and lingua francas
Mutated and transformed
Revenge of Venus
Walls of static white noise crash and cascade
Colliding collaging with broken
Beatific falsetto melodies, perfection in imperfection
Pindaric Arc of Stars
Radiant resplendent red brush over Andromeda’s
Side eyed shadows, stars burst in cacophonous
Eruption, volcanic stardust evolving to life
Sibyllic Idyllic
Screeching wailing serene sirens of Shiva’s shadows
Lashing through the scorching Minneapolis summer,
Reminding the free jazz club that we are not in utopia yet