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"Cumming and Leaving" by Jessie Peitsch

Cumming and Leaving

Copenhagen, Denmark

You will remember my tapping

on your hip when in the produce

aisle at the grocery store I cannot pronounce

and laugh at the field cucumbers. You will

wander through the kid’s aisle—can’t believe

what we sell our kids. Nerf guns, water guns.

I will be leaving

in the morning so we make it good.

Six weeks worth in one shot. Yes,

that’s what it was: a shot. In the back

of my throat, my chest. My hand

on your hip. You will not see me

in six weeks, no,

it will be 16 months and I will not be

in your bed, no,

I will be cleaning

up the shrapnel still.

And you will be forking

your potatoes.

Jessie Peitsch is a writer from Vancouver, British Columbia. 9am-5pm she writes emails. 5pm-9am she writes stories. Her poetry has been published in Canadian literary magazines, including Contemporary Verse 2, and she is currently working on her first young adult novel.


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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