Currying Forms
See all this? I use this as an excuse to avoid cooking,
learning about it, shopping for ingredients,
setting down recipes, putting time aside to make meals
There is no doubt in my mind I could save money
and possibly lose weight cooking for myself,
but it is not laziness that keeps my cookery in place
Aesthetics move me to a still kitchen, not disturbing
the way the pots sit shining on the stove,
and how the plates in the cupboard form a rainbow
On the Hacking of His Facebook Account
There is no better way to hear
from people you haven’t talked to in years,
all you need is a hidden actor
with malicious intent imitating you online,
the same picture, the same name,
and access to the same list of friends,
then your long lost acquaintances
will contact you with messages
asking if you are the one who sent them
repeated offers for male enhancements,
or instructions on how to reach
lonely singles in their area with a click,
it might be something political,
a scam that claims to be for a good cause,
but more likely it will be a link to some spam
about how to make mad money
by playing games hosted on URLs
that run forever and collapse on themselves
and while you have their attention
in the messaging app of your choice,
you can ask them how they figured it out,
how did they eventually realize
some unseen program was imitating you?
Was it more than just bad grammar?
I kept trying to remember her name the other day,
not for anything nefarious, just for my sanity,
once I discovered a gap in my memory, I had to fill it,
as if the space was about to turn into a hole
and the hole would turn into a leak for everyone else
Gone officially from social media, it was impossible
to find her that way, all I saw were names
and faces for people I’ve never met interacting
with other people who are strangers except in name,
or people I would never just casually forget,
Going through my friends’ photos that were posted
online years ago, I tried to see if she was tagged,
mentioned, pointed out, or if her name
was given to the title of whole albums of single images,
no luck, I wondered if I was losing her face too
Trawling through dating sites jolted my memory,
when I saw her first name, attached to the personality
of someone I matched with, allegedly,
the satisfaction at filling the gap was good, and brief,
now I have to try and recall what her surname was
Mindshare Quest
Taking a survey of my habits,
There’s a little bit of money
And a lottery for a gift card involved
If I do enough of them
I will start saying my habit
Is taking surveys from strangers
I may get there soon,
Reaching the online ouroboros
With a survey on the quality of surveys,
It’s simple and easy,
Since I know all of the answers
Without the need of a pen or pencil
Nothing I put is ever wrong,
So long as I am completely honest,
And I discover my self a bubble at a time