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"Distant Rumble" & "Get Your Perfection Off My Lawn!" by Peter Kaczmarczyk

Distant Rumble

The child could hear the highway

As he lay awake at night

The distant rumble filled him with wonder

Where were they all going he thought

As all those cars pushed through the dark

As soon as age allowed him

He took to the road

Taking exits to towns unknown

Yet none of them held

The answers he expected

He only found lonely places

Filled with others who dreamed as he had

Wishing to take to the road

But with nowhere to go

Get Your Perfection Off My Lawn!

The perfect life is like the perfect lawn

An artificial construct pushed upon us

By hucksters who think they can sell us happiness

I don’t want to be evenly trimmed

My edges clean, uniform and neat

Let me be rough and full of weeds

My ideas and behaviors, wild and untamed

A mix of colors textures and hues

May I never be forced into an even mold

But roughly cast in nature’s image


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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