The piano sits resolute, awaiting its Shirley
As cigar smoke and alcohol aroma fills the air.
The jazz band preps; the bass, the saxophone
All drink together in merry companionship.
As cigar smoke and alcohol aroma fills the air,
Girls in dresses and hats smile at the men in suits.
All drink together in merry companionship,
Drowning away disdain, one glass at a time.
Girls in dresses and hats smile at the men in suits
While noises split the air and the chaos carries on,
Drowning away disdain one glass at a time,
Relieving the users of their misery.
While noises split the air and the chaos carries on,
I sit alone. The spectacle, unfolding like a circus and
Relieving the users of their misery,
Blurs the pictures of my mind, doing its job.
I sit alone. The spectacle, unfolding like a circus and
Emitting screeches and moans of pleasure,
Blurs the pictures of my mind, doing its job
So well that the alcohol is rendered silent.
Emitting screeches and moans of pleasure,
Giggling women carry the night deeper into darkness
So well that the alcohol is rendered silent.
The loud horns and plucked strings fill in the gaps.
Giggling women carry the night deeper into darkness,
The smooth jazz provides the light.
The loud horns and plucked strings fill in the gaps
And the night sprints on toward the finish.
The smooth jazz provides the light
Illuminating the end of the tunnel.
And the night sprints on toward the finish
Downing swallow after swallow of gin, whiskey.
Illuminating the end of the tunnel,
Morning light awakens, stretches through the windows, and
Downing swallow after swallow of gin, whiskey,
The ineffable crowd carries on, heedless and unwavering.
Morning light awakens, stretches through the windows, and
At last the running music wanes, the immortal drinks run dry.
The ineffable crowd carries on, heedless and unwavering,
Dispersing beyond the doors of the bar.
At last the running music wanes, the immortal drinks run dry.
The party-going packs gather their jackets and hats and
Dispersing beyond the doors of the bar,
Exit through dense clouds of cigar smoke.
The party-going packs gather their jackets and hats and
The jazz band preps; the bass, the saxophone
Exit through dense clouds of cigar smoke.
The piano sits resolute, awaiting its Shirley.