Lover, do you think the sun misses the moon the same way I ache
for you?
Do you think they’re long-distance like we are, with only an eclipse
to look forward to?
We, too, eclipse, and I, collapse into you like a dying star of a
woman; the cosmos are funny like that.
Make the two people that love each other the most two ships in the
night, or, put the love of my life an hour behind and 1200 miles
away because absence makes the heart grow fonder.
And it does.
And it sucks.
Some nights I miss you too much to articulate, and even then I find
you in the empty breath,
which is to say you are everywhere and nowhere, everything and
My darling, nothing lasts forever, except love, which is to say, we
are all each other has in the end.
So hold me tight.
Love me tender, like the moon, empty, and full, and empty again.
Love me like the stars,
dead but still shining.