Hallowed Be Thy Shape
After the Lord’s Prayer
My body, which art on earth,
Hallowed be thy shape;
Thy touch come;
Thy body be loved
In life, as it is on earth:
Give me this day my daily breath;
And forgive me my self-hatred,
As I forgive you that hates against me;
And lead me not into self-pity,
But deliver me from insecurity;
For thine is the flesh,
And the skin, and the curves,
Which until death belongs to me.
tomorrow, please
Echoing walls wait with me everyday;
fleshy pink, collapsing in, and bouncing
the kettle-whistle of my rising/falling
breath that say [keep breathing, please]
as I knead my faltering arteries.
Walls stretch like faded flesh
when you bring me banal babbles
to bury the lub-a-dub-ub lub-a-dub-ub
as my enlarged right ventricle repeats [keep beating, please]
while you rub my swollen feet.
Cage walls contract to say
time to go & leave me to
another blood-sucking needle
which whispers [keep bleeding, please]
while I wait for tomorrow