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"Handling" & "Duologue" by Sanjeev Sethi


Bind up myself in a bubble wrap

of poetic warmth and make my

moves on the roadway of reality.

When the air balls puncture:

the tab of fresh picks

fall before my eyes.

Unyielding passages

are the meanest to maneuver.

Eye-rolling helps no one.

Scouring inwards offers succor.

As if all solutions

dart for a date.

Duologue Perils in palaver: while weaving a narrative from the thesaurus of our minds sometimes we lose sight of the quintain. Commas in conversation grease the extemporization drive, helping us ply little-known openings.

Sanjeev Sethi has authored five books of poetry. He is published in over thirty countries. His poems have found a home in more than 375 journals, anthologies, and online literary venues. Recent credits: North Dakota Quarterly, K’in Literary Journal, Kairos Literary Magazine, The Big Windows Review, Stand Magazine, and Litter Magazine. He is the joint-winner of Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux, organized by The Hedgehog Poetry Press UK. He is in the top ten of the erbacce prize 2021 UK. It has over twelve thousand and five hundred entries. He lives in Mumbai, India.

Find him: Twitter @sanjeevpoems3


2022 Roi Fainéant Press, the Pressiest Press that Ever Pressed!

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