Love Me Some Coyote
(After 'Coyote Dream II' by Karen Pierce Gonzalez)
Coyote is a friend of mine,
at least, he told me he was,
but how can you trust a creature
who shows up everywhere?
In coastal North Carolina, after Hurricane Floyd
and my father's death, a big rangy canine
began wandering the area and once
looked in the window directly at me.
It was skinny and rough-coated;
I worried it hadn't had
enough to eat.
That storm was bad
but then I realized, oh, Coyote.
He always knows
how to take care of himself.
He was just saying
and goodbye.
“She Adorned, Without Speech”
I am the seasons:
Summer Winter Fall Spring The Time of Deep Terror
I am music
all music, the keys, the staves, the notes, the time signatures
I am weather oh how
it blows the wind, rains, sleets, snows I
feel none of it I am
trees, root bark branch leaves
oh I am... I am, I cannot
see myself what
am I? Can you tell me?
Sin and failure
exaltation and glory
all have abandoned me,
blessed blood in the veins
I think I still have.
I can barely see
I have
no mirror.
Are you there?