Me and Vinnie from New Jersey as told by Google’s Oxford English Language Dictionary
want v. have a desire to possess
n. a lack
intention n. an aim or plan
n. a person’s designs
n. the healing process of a wound
feel v. be aware through touching
n. experience of sensation or emotion
partner n. either of a pair
n. any of a number among whom losses are shared
n. a lover
lust n. a sensual appetite regarded as sinful
v. have a strong sexual desire
curiosity n. a desire to know or learn
n. a strange or unusual object
connection n. the action of linking one thing with another
n. a person with whom one has contact
n. a supplier of narcotics
have v. to own; to hold
n. someone with plenty
communion n. common participation in a mental or emotional experience
n. the service of worship
(similar: fellowship)
sweat n. moisture exuded through the pores of the skin, typically in profuse
quantities as a reaction to heat, physical exertion, fever or fear
n. a state of flustered anxiety or distress
n. hard work, effort
v. get rid of something
v. worry
v. to heat (chopped vegetables) slowly in a pan with a small amount of fat so that
they cook in their own juices
climax n. the most intense, exciting, or important point of something
n. the final stage in a succession of which a state of equilibrium is reached
v. culminate
v. peak
fleet n. a group of ships sailing together
v. move or pass quickly
v. fade away
cold adj. lacking warmth
adj. objective, not affected by emotion
adj. depressing or dispiriting
adj. of the scent or trail of a human or animal no longer fresh and easy to follow
adj. without rehearsal, unawares
adj. completely, entirely
shame n. a powerful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of
wrong or foolish behavior
v. to cause someone to feel inadequate
loss n. the feeling of grief when deprived of something of value
n. a reduction of power within or among circuits
alone adj. having no one else present
adv. used to emphasize that only one factor out of several is being considered
and that the whole is greater or more extreme
release v. enable to escape from confinement; set free
v. remove restrictions or obligations from someone so that they become
available for another activity
v. allow something to return to its resting position by ceasing to put pressure
on it
v. discharge a debt
v. surrender