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"Reminiscence is a necessary evil" & "For the love basking folks" by Ankur Jyoti Saikia

Reminiscence is a necessary evil

And the melody of love lingers

Alas, we're now only strangers

Oh, but that beautiful flower

Bloomed only for that hour

Alas, we're now only strangers

Yet, those promises were prayers

Bloomed only for that hour

Drenched in a soulful shower

Yet, those promises were prayers

And the melody of love lingers

Drenched in a soulful shower

Oh, but that beautiful flower

For the love basking folks

They spoke of love as if it's true

But, truth is a fluctuation too

Yet, folks bask in that sappy Sun

And the next moment, it's gone

But, truth is a fluctuation too

And tintless ocean turns blue

And the next moment, it's gone

All that was earnestly sworn

And tintless ocean turns blue

Heedless of all lovers, old or new

All that was earnestly sworn

Abides in the blossom, now worn

Heedless of all lovers, old or new

They spoke of love as if it's true

Abides in the blossom, now worn

Yet, folks bask in that sappy Sun


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