Scorpio Moon
What I have been wanting to hear -
I'm not afraid of you.
I love the gaping,
inside you
I will not try to fill it
but will
stand on tip toes with you
and howl
just to hear the echo
you tell me
my hair smells like dirt
and then are embarrassed by it
As if
I do not dream
of growing from the earth
of smelling like
universes of microbes
teaming with life
Three Bears
what is that
a piercing hot sound
a whine mechanical and high
just before the tumble in the other room
no one is home.
just me and these angry bears
demanding a towel and a place to sleep
I don't have any doors, I patiently say again.
you can't sleep here, the barking from under my bed
will wake you, I promise you won't like it
isn't there someplace else you can stay?
they don't hear the sound, they talk amongst themselves
in a language that I don't understand
I reach in the fridge but I already drank all of the orange juice
which I planned to drink for dinner,
I'm doing this thing, see, where I drink my fruits
so the colony in my gut can be nourished and they
keep asking for oranges but they're out of season and
I can't keep going to the store without a jacket
and all of the jackets are gone because the bears are wearing them.
They look quite nice actually, the tallest in my pink coat with faux fur trim and the middle in a cameo coat my old neighbor gave me and the youngest swimming in my warm winter coat.
as a smile spreads across my face, delighted by the bears I fall to my knees
two hot rods of sound waves entering my ear, burning through my brain
what are you doing, the middle bear asks.
get up.
my skin goes ash and
the rods enter my ears, my mouth
the sound grows louder and burns my throat I am
more fire than flesh now
get up, the oldest bear says,
I am not I anymore
we are a pile of ruby ash
and grandmother's class ring
that we wore on a distal appendage
we're sleeping in your bed, the smallest bear sighed
we are.