Selection From Loan Words
Selection From An Open Letter to Gabriele Falloppio
Holding the men-
iscus at eye level,
you feel the sleep
slough off. Hair is,
and what is not?,
what re-fuses to
be?, ecifically all
salivaried, all not
here with us, bag
it for me, material
and each material
forgets the needle.
Selection From Salves
Ineffectual as kicks and snares
may seem or sound
to the blind-wound
aspect, I suspect
a black king oyster blooms in her
yard for the silver
fish crowding the garland
pretence is called alethic
chaos is pronounced cows
selah as a shield
to those sustaining me.
Selection From Gematria Blinds
Calque, from calcare,
umami from the silk
roads, a murmur of crows,
hella starlings, a mess
of teeth, syncopation, in some
gestural thought, only incomplete
in letters, you,
scattering her ashes over Yapeitso,
sandals left as amber is left.
Selection From Latent Roots with no Preconceived Object
The net rises damp, weighted with
What treasures, steam cleaves smoke,
Smoke cleaves steam upon the world—
Apical tissue efflux in controlled fire
Chartreuse fractals fractal in form
From broccoli stalk to stalk the webworm—