A Bible brond woman blows out unruly
brunette hair, darkens your virgin eyelashes,
light lengths, “who knew those were there.” Unholy
ceremonial maquillage, the masses
must be mesmerized in far away seats
Doe eyes under theatrical lights must
adore a borrowed infant, discretely cheat
out towards the house where you are discussed,
deified an hour with an object of lust
two years older than you, “Joseph,” 16,
whose surfer tan fingers grazing your bust,
caressing faux Jesus, not his most obscene
dalliance in a crowded chapel tonight.
His latest conquest watches on from stage right.
Kristin Garth is a Pushcart, Rhysling nominated sonneteer and a Best of the Net 2020 finalist. Her sonnets have stalked journals like Glass, Yes, Five:2:One, Luna Luna and more. She is the author of many books of poetry including Crow Carriage (Sweet Tooth Story Books) and The Stakes (Really Serious Literature) and the editor of seven anthologies. She is the founder of Pink Plastic House a tiny journal and co-founder of Performance Anxiety, an online poetry reading series. Follow her on Twitter: (@lolaandjolie) and her website kristingarth.com