The beauty of your peace,
makes the boarders
of the horizon
recede into nothingness,
and the mind crippled
by its own weight
is released
into a deepening
reverence with the stars
made holy by a grief
all too human.
The evening with its melody
sweet and tortuous
swallows the burgeoning self
and with fitful transcendence
illuminates the worm besieged heart,
voiceless and numb.
Despair is alleviated by the steady
current of your voice that carries
birds and translucent clouds
into the growing web of night,
that heeds not boarder
nor recognises name.
Let senses be dumb,
let eternity subdue
with drops of quietness
upon our brows.
Let death be accepted;
nurtured from the beginning
and all our finite moments
free from history’s engravings
be glorified.