the history of our school
is a history of love
of lovers lowered through the night on ropes through dormitory windows
swarming up drainpipes
onto chaste dormitory landings
to their partners in misfortune and young grief sometimes surprised
sometimes cast out
the history of our school
reveals itself in necessary lies
since the good of the school comes first even when the fault is great
we make this a part of our life
for who would live without rules
in a world that hangs on structure
where transgression and disaster
are forever carved in stone
one and the same
the history of our school
is about the naming of names
the playing of roles
the wearing of masks
the love in the sip of a drink
the scandal of teacher with student
the student dead in his room
the breaker of rules invited to leave the slick deceiver doing alright
while student life runs on
through the gamut and the gauntlet
sing we joyful music
at commencement time
why did one work so grudgingly and with such bad grace
let the gates be thrown aside for the student sufficiently polished to pass the bar of admission to rise and fall in earnest