I’m always so much smarter
when I talk to you
in my head
a cinema smile, stars
leaping off my tongue
like kamikazes
we never needed those
seas foam between tables
my hair down
my shoulders
and frontiers fold
in the sweet impairment
of memory
between my lashes
nights snatched from fate
and dipped
in chrome—a promise
a picture
of what might
still be.
In my head I am not afraid
to touch your hand
you touch me back
your finger smoothing
the creases
of my agonies
so I can barely
I can barely speak
the damning syllable
in my throat
deviant aigus
ellipsing like gnats
towards the lamp
you swat one,
standing, scanning figures,
let’s go—
and I empty before I remember
you will be with me
when I am alone